Atlanticus Holdings Corporation (ATLC): Risks You Need To Consider Before Buying

For Atlanticus Holdings Corporation’s (NASDAQ:ATLC) shareholders, and also potential investors in the stock, understanding how the stock’s risk and return characteristics can impact your portfolio is important. The beta measures ATLC’s exposure to the wider market risk, which reflects changes in economic and political factors. Not all stocks are expose to the same level of market risk, and the market as a whole represents a beta value of one. Any stock with a beta of greater than one is considered more volatile than the market, and those with a beta less than one is generally less volatile.

See our latest analysis for ATLC

What does ATLC’s beta value mean?

With a five-year beta of 0.34, Atlanticus Holdings appears to be a less volatile company compared to the rest of the market. This means the stock is more defensive against the ups and downs of a stock market, moving by less than the entire market index in times of change. ATLC’s beta indicates it is a stock that investors may find valuable if they want to reduce the overall market risk exposure of their stock portfolio.

Does ATLC’s size and industry impact the expected beta?

With a market cap of USD $31.89M, ATLC falls within the small-cap spectrum of stocks, which are found to experience higher relative risk compared to larger companies. In addition to size, ATLC also operates in the consumer finance industry, which has commonly demonstrated strong reactions to market-wide shocks. Therefore, investors may expect high beta associated with small companies, as well as those operating in the consumer finance industry, relative to those more well-established firms in a more defensive industry. It seems as though there is an inconsistency in risks portrayed by ATLC’s size and industry relative to its actual beta value. There may be a more fundamental driver which can explain this inconsistency, which we will examine below.

NasdaqGS:ATLC Income Statement Nov 1st 17
NasdaqGS:ATLC Income Statement Nov 1st 17

How ATLC’s assets could affect its beta

During times of economic downturn, low demand may cause companies to readjust production of their goods and services. It is more difficult for companies to lower their cost, if the majority of these costs are generated by fixed assets. Therefore, this is a type of risk which is associated with higher beta. I test ATLC’s ratio of fixed assets to total assets in order to determine how high the risk is associated with this type of constraint. Given that fixed assets make up an insignificant portion of total assets, ATLC doesn’t rely heavily upon these expensive, inflexible assets to run its business during downturns. As a result, the company may be less volatile relative to broad market movements, compared to a company of similar size but higher proportion of fixed assets. This is consistent with is current beta value which also indicates low volatility.