Almadex Provides Update on its Paradise Project, Nevada

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Almadex Minerals Ltd.
Almadex Minerals Ltd.

Paradise Property

Property Map
Property Map

Paradise Property

Porphyry Target Drill Plan Map
Porphyry Target Drill Plan Map

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Almadex Minerals Ltd. ("Almadex" or the "Company") (TSX-V: “DEX”) is pleased to provide an update on the recently completed diamond drilling program at its Paradise Project, Nevada as well as results of recent surface exploration which have enhanced the sinter zone low sulphidation epithermal gold silver vein target on the project.

Paradise Drilling Program
Almadex completed a two hole 1,679.65 metre exploratory diamond drilling program on its Paradise Project in Nye County Nevada and complete assay results have now been received. The two drillholes successfully confirmed that the Paradise lithocap is associated with a porphyry system at depth. Both holes intersected advanced argillic alteration hosted by andesite, zones of crosscutting hydrothermal brecciation and narrow porphyry fingers. The advanced argillic alteration includes zones of quartz-pyrophyllite and kaolinite-dickite which have been identified to the bottom of the holes. The narrow porphyry intrusions are associated with sodic-calcic and minor potassic alteration overprinted by advanced argillic alteration. While there are no significant intervals of copper to report, narrow intervals of visible chalcopyrite were seen. The Company is encouraged by these results since they prove that the alteration seen at surface, without any evidence of porphyry veining, is the upper expression of a porphyry system at depth. Having confirmed that the lithocap has porphyry mineralisation associated with it, the Company is considering next steps for how best to vector towards a porphyry centre within the large alteration zone.

Sinter Zone Exploration Program
The sinter zone is located adjacent and to the north of the porphyry lithocap area (see map attached and Almadex news release of September 22, 2022) and is interpreted to represent a separate hydrothermal system. The sinter zone covers an area of subcrop boulders of sinter (surface hotspring silica deposit) material, hydrothermal brecciation and epithermal quartz veining. Old workings, epithermal alteration and veining occur over roughly 3 km along a northwest trend. Past sampling in the sinter zone includes 30 surface samples taken in 2022 that averaged 0.2 g/t gold and 2.2 g/t silver including a 30 cm chip sample of a banded vein crosscutting the sinter which returned 1.2 g/t gold and a grab from a silicified breccia which returned 1.5 g/t gold (see Almadex new release of September 22, 2022). Recent mapping and prospecting along this trend have identified banded quartz veins and veinlets along strike and to the south of the sinter zone. The scale of the vein system and epithermal alteration is encouraging. During the mapping program samples were taken for analysis. It is hoped that the results when received will help define the best location for some preliminary drill testing of the recently mapped veins, potentially later in 2024. Almadex drilled three holes in one area of the sinter zone in 2022 (see Almadex news release of July 15th, 2022). One passed through a fault and into older rocks, and the other two are now interpreted to not have been well placed for intersecting the vein system. Some data is in the Company’s possession from an RC drill program conducted in the area in the early 1990s. The historic results, while not complete, are encouraging as they indicate some of the holes returned anomalous gold over short intervals which confirms that the epithermal system is gold and silver bearing.