A business operating like the Trump White House would be in trouble

If the White House were a typical business, it would face legal peril for endangering workers and visitors amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control call for businesses to allow safe distancing among workers, require face coverings and take other precautions to limit spread of the COVID-19 virus. Washington, D.C., where the White House is located, requires workers and customers to wear masks at every business, while businesses must have a workplace safety plan and allow employees to distance safely.

The Trump White House has flagrantly flouted such guidelines, for all the world to see. At the Sept. 26 reception for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett in the outdoor Rose Garden, attendees sat elbow-to-elbow, most of them maskless. That event moved indoors, where there was more maskless mingling. And there has never been a formal masking policy in the White House’s work areas, where President Trump himself is the most prominent mask shunner.

In this Sept. 26, 2020, photo President Donald Trump, center, stands with Judge Amy Coney Barrett as they arrive for a news conference to announce Barrett as his nominee to the Supreme Court, in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington. Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie watches from fourth row from front on far right. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
In this Sept. 26, 2020, photo President Donald Trump, center, stands with Judge Amy Coney Barrett as they arrive for a news conference to announce Barrett as his nominee to the Supreme Court, in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington. Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie watches from fourth row from front on far right. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

With Trump and at least 30 staffers and associates now testing positive for COVID-19, White House protocols—or lack of them—may meet the standard for recklessness that would make a normal business liable for harm caused to workers or customers. “The White House behaved in a textbook way to open yourself to tort liability,” says professor Heidi Li Feldman of Georgetown University Law Center. “It’s instructive for other American businesses. It’s a good lesson in how not to run your business.”

It’s difficult to sue the government, because of the principle of sovereign immunity. But the law does allow suits when the government does something similar to what a private person or organization would do, and there’s harm that would generate liability in the private sector. The Barrett ceremony on Sept. 26 might have been such an event, similar to a promotional event or press conference a corporation might hold.

White House employees are ‘on their own’

Employees hurt or sickened on the job typically file for workers’ compensation, and it can be difficult to sue for additional damages beyond that. CDC guidelines are voluntary. The White House and other federal agencies must follow rules set by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration—not state or local regulation. But Trump’s OSHA hasn’t established any rules for what government agencies must do to protect workers from COVID, despite calls for it to do so.

“Those White House employees are on their own,” says Debbie Berkowitz, who was a senior OSHA official during the Obama administration and is now a safety expert at the National Employment Law Project. “They probably can’t sue if they get sick or die. This is probably the cleanest example of how this president thinks our essential workers should be treated.”