A $15 minimum wage is the wrong target

Wouldn’t it be great if you could get paid more, with no downside to anybody? That’s the Bernie Sanders fantasy: More than doubling the minimum wage and making everybody better off.

Sanders and other liberal Democrats are pushing to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 per hour to $15, with increases phased in over several years. President Biden supports the plan and wants it included in the huge coronavirus relief Congress is pulling together. But there are several obstacles to a $15 minimum wage passing either as part of the relief bill or a standalone measure.

A recent Congressional Budget Office analysis helps explain why. A $15 minimum wage would lift 900,000 people out of poverty, but also kill 1.4 million jobs. The logic is intuitive. If it cost businesses more to hire people, they’ll hire fewer workers and invest more in labor-saving technology. There’s a lot of research on this, including real-world data from high-wage areas such as Seattle. Sharp hikes in the minimum wage make some people better off but harm others, which is a good way to characterize bad policy.

[Read more: Biden might get an $11 minimum wage—but not $15]

There may be a Goldilocks solution, however. A CBO study from 2019 looked at the likely consequences of three different minimum wage hikes: to $10, $12 and $15. The forecast for a $15 wage then was similar to the latest analysis. About 17 million workers would see wage gains averaging 11.8%, but higher labor costs would kill 1.3 million jobs.

Strike for justice protesters are seen outside a McDonald's Monday, July 20, 2020, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)
Strike for justice protesters are seen outside a McDonald's Monday, July 20, 2020, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)

Hiking the wage to $12 would boost wages for 5 million workers by 9%, while killing about 300,000 jobs. Boosting it to $10 would raise wages for about 1.5 million workers by about 5.4%, with essentially no effect on overall employment.

So if you start with the principle of first do no harm, the CBO data suggests raising the minimum wage to $10 per hour would make some people marginally better off, without killing any jobs. A $10 wage may not sound very satisfying to Sanders and the other 15ers, but it’s still 38% higher than the current minimum. Who would turn down a 38% pay raise, even if it phases in at, say, 8% or 10% per year?

A $10 minimum might also be politically feasible, which a $15 minimum probably is not. Democrats have just a one-vote majority in the Senate, which means every single one of them would have to back a minimum wage hike for it to pass. Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.V.) has already said he doesn’t support a $15 minimum because it would be too onerous for employers in his state, where living costs are below average. A handful of Democrats are mum on the $15 minimum, suggesting the measure might only get 45 votes or so in the Senate.