50 Poorest Countries in the World

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In this article, we will be taking a look at the 50 poorest countries in the world. To skip our detailed analysis, you can go directly to see the 10 poorest countries in the world.

You might think that with the resources the world boasts right now, it is simply the proper usage of such resources which is why the success or failure of each country is based on its own performance and mistakes. Racists believe the truth to be even simpler; since most of the poorest countries in the world are located in Africa, these people believe that people who aren't white are simply inferior in every way, also pointing to most of the developed countries in the world having a population which is majority white.

Of course, the truth is anything but the above. There are several major reasons which impact the success of a country. Before we talk about the present, let's first go to the past. European nations colonized most of the world centuries ago, with many countries only declaring independence in the last century. Let's consider India for example. According to a 2014 study, India was quite well off five centuries ago, before the British entered the country. While the British started trading in India much earlier, they became the dominant power in the country in 1757, after which it ruled the subcontinent for two centuries, in which wealth was plundered from India at a massive scale, while millions in the country were left destitute. Even though the British left India after dividing it into India and Pakistan in 1947, both countries still have a lot of catch up to do. While they may not be among the poorest countries in the world, and India's GDP may be competing with the biggest nations, poverty is still a huge issue with hundreds of millions living below the poverty line in the country due to inequality of resource distribution, with the country also being home to one of the wealthiest families in the world.

50 poorest countries in the world
50 poorest countries in the world

Pixabay/Public Domain

Another study, conducted in 1996, researched the impact of colonization on Africa, where many countries were colonized by European powers. The study concluded that after considering everything, the impact of colonization on Africa's growth was overall negative, stating "Finally, we show that variables capturing colonial heritage account for the different and negative performance of Africa relative to other continents are highly correlated with the Sub-Sahara dummy that other studies have used".

While history and colonization have impacted the poorest countries in the world, there are other factors at play as well. According to another study conducted in 2019, stated that high-income countries realize the importance of research and development, and invest heavily in it, to come up with solutions to problems that exist right now. On the other hand, low income countries either do not give R&D its due importance, or have too many other issues or too few resources to be able to properly allocate investments to R&D. In 2019, global R&D expenditure was $1.7 trillion and only 10 countries accounted for more than 80% of it, most of them being Western, developed nations. Sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest percentage spend on R&D meanwhile. While high income countries have outpaced poverty and infrastructure issues, low income countries are still impacted severely by these issues, not to mention malnutrition and food crisis, which takes up most of their resources. Low income countries also account for more than 85% of the global disease burden which again eats into the already meagre resources these countries have.