If you don't spend a lot of money, you may not see the point of using a credit card. But even for low spenders, credit cards offer a number of benefits: greater security, added perks, and even additional savings on everyday purchases.
The right credit card for your limited budget will reward the purchases you do make or help you avoid costly interest and fees.
Here are four of our favorite credit cards for low spenders.
Citi Double Cash Card – 18 month BT offer
Rewards: 1% cash back on all purchases, with an additional 1% awarded upon payment.
Sign-Up Bonus: None
Annual Fee: $0
Annual Percentage Rate (APR): Variable 14.74% to 24.74% APR on purchases; 0% APR for 18 months on balance transfers, then variable 14.74% to 24.74% APR.
Why We Picked It: If you consistently pay off your balance in full, you'll be nicely rewarded.
For Low Spenders: Your purchases earn 1% cash back at the time of purchase and 1% cash back upon payment, which means all purchases earn 2% cash back by the time they're paid off. That's a consistent reward for those who diligently pay off their credit card balance each month.
Drawbacks: If you tend to carry a balance, you won't see as much value in this card.
Blue Cash Everyday Card from American Express
Rewards: 3% cash back on up to $6,000 in annual U.S. supermarket purchases, 2% cash back at U.S. gas stations and eligible U.S. department stores, and 1% cash back on all other purchases.
Sign-Up Bonus: $150 statement credit if you spend $1,000 in the first three months.
Annual Fee: $0
APR: 0% APR for 15 months on purchases and balance transfers, then variable 14.24% to 25.24% APR.
Why We Picked It: If you only spend money on basic staples, this card offers great value.
For Low Spenders: With special cash back rates at the supermarket, gas stations, and department stores, you'll earn solid rewards on necessities like food, gas, and clothes. Plus, all purchases are interest-free for 15 months.
Drawbacks: If you don't spend a lot on gas, groceries, or clothes, keep looking.
Citi Simplicity Card
Rewards: None
Sign-Up Bonus: None
Annual Fee: $0
APR: 0% APR for 21 months on purchases and balance transfers, then variable 15.24% to 25.24% APR.
Why We Picked It: This card avoids all interest for a whopping 21 months.
For Low Spenders: The 0% APR offer for purchases and balance transfers lasts almost two years, so you can completely avoid all interest for a long time.
Drawbacks: There are no rewards.
Chase Freedom Unlimited
Rewards: 1.5% cash back on every purchase.
Sign-Up Bonus: $150 bonus cash back if you spend $500 in the first three months.