31 Spring Home Improvement Projects To Increase Your Home's Value

This article originally appeared on Your Money Geek and has been republished with permission.

Spring is a time of renewal, and it certainly extends to space we now spend most of our time in; our home.

Throughout the pandemic, home improvement projects have been on the rise. With so many people staying put and not looking to move in a low inventory housing market, homeowners are upgrading and retooling their residences.

With the warmer weather, it's a great time to check off projects that will add value to your home and help it sell quicker. Here are 31 Spring Home Improvement Projects to Increase Your Home's Value.

1. Landscaping

A popular spring upgrade is to spruce up your yard by adding more landscaping features. Make an entryway more inviting by placing bushes, plants, and flowers along the path and keeping everything in place with brick pavers.

2. Flower Beds

Clean up your existing flower beds and replace any dead or particularly unsightly plants or flowers. Stick to perennials that bloom every year and intersperse with plants that'll stay green from spring through fall.

3. Spruce Up Your Garden

If you have a garden, make sure you have garden boxes to prevent your veggies from wandering too far into your lawn and keep everything looking nice and tidy.

4. Maintain Your Lawn

While you're working outside, come up with a plan for improving the look of your lawn. You may wish to overseed in the spring to thicken it up, add fertilizer to improve the growth of the existing lawn, or put down a grub preventer to keep critters away.

Also, consider getting your lawn aerated to keep things green.

5. Tree Trimming

Spring is a great time to trim branches. Look for branches that are hitting your siding or roof. If left untouched, they could damage your house over time as the wind blows. It's easiest to hire an insured company to handle this work if there are lots to trim. If the branches are low, buy a simple pole saw for this spring chore.

6. Clean Up Debris and Dead Branches

After a long winter, you'll notice your yard has debris–dead plants or leftover leaves from the fall. It's incredible what a rake can do to revitalize your yard's look and ensure your grass comes in even and green. Be sure to grab any dead branches in your lawn in early spring to avoid leaving an imprint of dead grass.

7. Clean Siding

Power washing your siding can work wonders for the look of your home. Over the winter, dirt and grime can build up and won't be washed away with a simple rain shower. Rent or purchase a power washer to blast it all away.

8. Clean Gutters

Spring is also the time to clean your gutters of any leaves or debris. Keeping them clean ensures water from spring rains can flow easily through your downspouts and away from your home, saving your foundation and possibly preventing flooding.

9. Clean Windows

You may clean your interior windows year-round, but exterior windows typically hit the backburner during colder months. Grab that glass cleaner, a rag, and a ladder and get to work (safely), making your windows dirt and streak-free.

10. New Front Door

A new front door can bring immediate curb appeal, especially if it's a stand-out–but tasteful–color. If your existing door is in good shape, you could get by with just a fresh coat of paint.

11. Fresh Paint

Speaking of paint, spring is a great time to brighten up your home with fresh paint–both interior and exterior. Make sure to give your wall or siding a good scrub before you do, and have all the tools on hand before starting this project.

12. Repaint, Restain, or Build a Deck

When spring and summer comes, most people love spending time grilling and relaxing on their deck. If you already have a deck, it's likely in need of a good scrub and repainting or restaining to bring it back to life. If you don't have one, spring could be a great time to build it.

According to Remodeling Magazine's Cost vs. Value Report, a new deck could generate a 69% return on your investment when you decide to sell.

13. Repair or Replace the Fence

Fences tend to get battered during the winter months of snow, wind, and cold weather. Take a good look at your fence and note any repairs needed. If you have a wooden fence, the 10-year mark is when most need to be fully replaced.

14. Put Up a Shed

A shed could add instant value to your home–and added storage for your use as well. Spring is a great time to add one, as it's easier to do before your gardens fully blossom, and you'll have the added convenience of easy access to your landscaping tools.

15. Check Your Sprinklers

It's inevitable that if you have in-ground sprinklers, one or two of your sprinkler heads may break each winter. Before the heat of summer sets in on your grass, take your sprinklers on a test run and repair or replace any broken parts. Just be sure to do this after the danger of a freeze has passed.

16. Mudjack or Replace the Driveway

The constant freezing and unfreezing of the ground during cool months can do a number on your concrete driveway or sidewalk. You may need to replace your cracked driveway or have it mud jacked to keep things level.

17. New Mailbox

One of the cheapest ways to add character to your home is by installing a new mailbox. To up the curb appeal even more by putting some landscaping like bright flowers and pavers around your mailbox.

18. Put Up Shelving in the Garage

Adding some smart shelving to your garage can keep your outdoor toys and items tidy and maximize your storage space. Also, consider a ceiling bike rack or additional cabinets for tools and other hardware. Beefing up your garage storage can also help you prepare for a move in the future, as buyers would appreciate an upgraded garage space.

19. Update Your Porch

Your porch is a focal point of your house and provides curb appeal–or curb repel! You could repaint the porch, add a stylized railing or spruce it up with new outdoor furniture and flowerpots.

20. Build a Fire Pit

A fire pit can be a fantastic feature for your backyard. And best of all, they're not too hard to install! You can either buy one from a hardware store or build your own with stones or concrete blocks. You'll add a cozy ambiance to your home.

21. Switch Out Your House Numbers

If a homeowner's association does not constrain you, you can brighten up your entryway and modernize your home by updating your house numbers. Just make sure they're easy to read from the road for guests, delivery services, or emergency personnel.

22. Caulk around Windows

Take a glance at your windows and replace any old or cracking caulking or weather-stripping. Not only will this keep water out and keep your windows looking nice, but it'll also keep your electricity bills down.

23. Install Ceiling Fans

One way to get more out of your AC is to install ceiling fans in every room. You'll be amazed how much a little air movement can help keep you cool and help keep your electricity bill low.

24. Clean Carpets

You probably regularly vacuum your carpets, but they'll last much longer if you also work in annual deep cleaning. Hire a professional carpet cleaner or rent a machine from a hardware or grocery store to shampoo the carpets and suck up all the dirt and grime that's been tracked in over winter.

25. Inspect and Repair Your Roof

Now that all the snow has melted away, inspect your roof for any signs of damage or potential leaks. You may not notice a leak yet inside your home, so it's important to inspect your roof and find any damage before it gets too bad. Replace any cracked or missing shingles to ensure water continues to flow off your roof instead of to the inside.

26. Add Insulation

After the winter, you should have a pretty good idea of how well your home can maintain heat. Spring is a good time to add extra insulation to your attic or garage. You'll have the bonus of the insulation keeping your home cool in the summer.

27. Polish Wood Floors

Wood floors take a beating with the dirt and grime of winter when you drag in snow and other gunk. Spring is a great time to give them a good polish. Plus, a little preventative maintenance can extend the lifespan of wood floors.

28. Prep Your Air Conditioner

Regular maintenance of your air conditioner can help it run longer. Change the filter and check for any leaks. You'll also want to make sure any drip pans are draining freely and that your AC isn't extraordinarily loud.

This could be the first sign of an issue, and you'd want to call an HVAC repair person. Be sure to check if you have a home warranty that covers any repairs.

29. Expand Your Garage

If you're looking to go big this spring and maybe even considering a personal loan to cover your renovations, an additional stall for your garage could draw a return. Most homeowners prefer homes that have at least two stalls–maybe three.

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30. Enlarge Your Driveway

If you don't have the money to increase your garage, an extra slab on your driveway could provide the next best thing. Whether you're looking for more parking spaces or play space, consider this upgrade.

31. Install a Pool

If you live in a mild climate, a pool may add value to your home. Plus, it's a staycation oasis for you to enjoy while you're living there. If you already have a pool, start the season by storing the cover and removing any winterizing chemicals from the system. Then, refill the pool, kick on the pumps and add your first round of chemicals.

This list may look exhausting, However, it's important to attack just a few projects at a time to maintain your sanity and still leave some time in your life for fun. Prioritize the projects you'd like to complete, note the anticipated cost with each, and get started!
