30 Best TV Shows of All Time

In This Article:

In this article, we are going to discuss the 30 best TV shows of all time. You can skip our detailed analysis of the history of the entertainment industry, the American film and television industry, evolution of online streaming platforms, impact of Covid-19 on online streaming services and future outlook of streaming and go directly to 10 Best TV Shows of All Time.

The entertainment industry has a long and varied history, with roots dating back to ancient civilizations. One of the earliest forms of entertainment was the art of storytelling, which has been a part of human culture for millennia. Theater and drama have also been popular for thousands of years and the ancient Greeks are credited with developing the art of theater, as we know it today. 

However, the global entertainment industry was revolutionized after the invention of the first motion picture camera in 1891. The first movie theater opened in 1905, radio broadcasts began in 1920 and television broadcasts began in 1928, but it was not until after World War II that television was widely adopted as a form of mass communication around the globe. 

American Film and Television Industry:

The production and distribution of motion pictures and television programs is a nation’s most valuable economic and cultural resource. As we mentioned in our article 15 Most Watched TV Shows of 2023, the film and television entertainment sector in the U.S. provides $21 billion in annual payments to more than 260,000 local businesses across the country. The industry is made up of more than 122,000 companies located in every state in America, 92% of which have less than 10 employees. The film and television sector supported a total of 2.1 million jobs and paid $186 billion in total wages in 2021. The industry also provided $29 billion in public tax revenue and earned $14.4 billion in export revenues for the country in 2021. 

Evolution of Online Streaming Platforms: 

The global TV and film industry went through a paradigm shift in the last few years with the evolution of online streaming services. Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX) began as a DVD rental service in 1997, which allowed consumers to select and receive DVDs by mail. In 2007, the company expanded into online streaming of movies and television shows directly from its streaming platform. Now, after 16 years of redefining global entertainment distribution and even giving us some of the greatest TV shows of all time, Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX) currently has over 222 million subscribers worldwide, a market cap of over $200 billion and boasted a revenue of $31.6 billion in 2022.