25 Most Gender and Income Equal Countries in the World

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In this article, we take a look at the 25 most gender and income-equal countries in the world. If you want to skip our detailed analysis of the impact of gender and income equality on the national economy, you can directly look at the 5 Most Gender and Income-Equal Countries in the World.

According to various studies, the participation of women in the job market can significantly improve the economy. A study by CFR showed that closing the gender gap could lead to an additional $28 trillion in the global GDP. However, this can only happen if policymakers and those in authority are aware of what steps to take. Multiple international indices are utilized to compare the living standards between various countries, each focusing on an equally important parameter. Gender and income equality are both essential metrics to determine when it comes to countries because they each give us a different set of information regarding the living standards in that particular state. 

Gender equality is usually measured through the Gender Inequality Index or the Gender Development Index, both of which are calculated by the United Nations Development Programme or UNDP. The GII focuses on any disparities between the genders in terms of the labor market, health, or empowerment. Each dimension is further measured by sub-factors that determine these differences. This index aims to determine how hurdles related to gender impact human achievements across various countries. Based on GII values, countries can further develop policy recommendations that may aid in alleviating gender disparities or at least accounting for them. 

The GDI also works in a similar format, informing policymakers of the social areas that need more work to create equality across genders. While there is no one standard for measuring income equality across households, various international methodologies are deployed by different sources, one of which is the Gini Coefficient. The purpose behind each of these is to understand how income is spread across different economic classes and how this impacts other standards of living within a society. 

Determining income equality is essential because it helps policymakers understand the wealth distribution in society, enabling them to determine points of contention across the economy. In order to curate a more egalitarian society for all population segments, both income, as well as gender equality are critical factors to be determined. Economic standing and gender are both elements that may disadvantage particular groups from advancing forward in life. Hence, policymakers need to be aware of where their country stands in both these regards.