25 Largest Craft Breweries in the US by Volume

In This Article:

In this article, we are going to discuss the 25 largest craft breweries in the US by volume. You can skip our detailed analysis of the oldest recipe for beer, the craft beer revolution, the Brewers Association, the largest beer producer by volume, the top craft brewer state, alliances in the craft beer industry and the craft beer market, and go directly to 10 Largest Craft Breweries in the US by Volume

It is hypothesized that beer was probably produced independently in different parts of the world. Some believe that beer was the by-product of cereal-based agriculture, with natural fermentation playing its part in the ‘accidental’ lead-up to the brewing. 

The oldest recipe for beer was left on a Mesopotamian tablet found near Mount Ararat, and it was contained within a 3900-year-old poem – Hymn to Ninkasi (the Sumerian goddess of beer). Beer consumption was, in fact, an important marker for societal and civilized virtues in the Sumerian society. To give an example, in the Epic of Gilgamesh, the world’s oldest known epic, the wild man Enkidu ‘did not know how to eat bread, nor had he ever learned to drink beer!’, with the second phrase suggesting how beer consumption was seen as a ‘quality’ of a civilized person. 

Craft Beer Revolution:

Most immigrants who traveled centuries ago to the New World brewed their own beer. There was wheat beer from Germany, various types of ales from England and dry stouts from Ireland. However, after prohibition, there were only a handful of breweries left in the country. By the 1950’s, only three large brewing groups dominated the entire U.S. market, brewing only pilsners, and the beer brewing model had evolved into a mass-production industry, a far cry from ‘craft’. 

Everything changed in 1978 when President Jimmy Carter lifted the ban on homebrewing and hobby brewers were now able to sell their beers. Old beer recipes and styles were revived by these newly-legalized homebrewers and the rest is history. 

The Brewers Association: 

Established in 2005, the Brewers Association is an American trade group of more than 5,600 U.S. brewery members and 37,000 members of the American Homebrewers Association, joined by members of the allied trade, beer distributors etc. The B.A. works to promote and protect small and independent American brewers, their craft beers and the community of brewing enthusiasts. 

The American Homebrewers Association is a division of the Brewers Association focused on homebrewers of beer, cider and mead. The Ninkasi Award, named after the Sumerian goddess, is given by the AHA every year to the best homebrewers in the country.