20 Most In-Demand Jobs for the Future

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In this article, we will talk about 20 most in-demand jobs for the future. We will also look at the significance of threats posed by AI that can replace millions of jobs globally along with some companies that are helping meet the demand of most-in-demand professionals. if you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to 5 Most In-Demand Jobs for the Future.

According to a report by Goldman Sachs, artificial intelligence (AI) can potentially replace around 300 million full-time jobs globally. The report suggests that AI could automate approximately 25% of work tasks in the United States and Europe, leading to a potential increase of 7% in the total annual value of goods and services produced worldwide. While this may result in job displacement, the report acknowledges the possibility of creating new jobs and a productivity boom.

The UK government aims to encourage AI investment to emphasize its role in driving economic productivity. Even though AI is likely to complement existing work rather than disrupt it but the impact of AI will vary across sectors, with a potential automation rate of 46% in administrative tasks and 44% in legal professions, compared to only 6% in construction and 4% in maintenance.

Concerns have been raised by artists who fear that generative AI, capable of creating content indistinguishable from human work, could harm their employment prospects. Carl Benedikt Frey, a future-of-work director at Oxford University, highlights that AI may lead to more competition and lower wages for certain professions. You can also check out our article on Jobs That Will Disappear in the Future Due to AI.

On the other hand, one notable trend that we have observed regarding the fastest-growing occupations is the increasing demand for healthcare professionals, particularly in the most in-demand jobs for the future. This surge in demand can be attributed to the growing recognition of the importance of mental health and substance abuse counseling, the need for assistance in therapy along with the rising demand for home healthcare services, or the importance of epidemiologists in addressing public health challenges.  Health professionals are even more likely to have the best jobs in 2050.

As the demand for healthcare professionals continues to rise, several healthcare companies are at the forefront of addressing these trends. For example, UnitedHealth Group Inc (NYSE:UNH) is one such company that plays a significant role in meeting the increasing demand for healthcare services. Through its extensive portfolio of health insurance, pharmacy benefits management, and healthcare technology solutions, UnitedHealth Group Inc (NYSE:UNH) supports the delivery of quality care and helps streamline healthcare processes.

The company's commitment to innovation and its expansive network of healthcare professionals contribute to addressing the evolving healthcare needs of individuals. It is worth noting that UnitedHealth Group Inc (NYSE:UNH) also owns some of the best for-profit hospitals in the US.

In line with the trend of accessibility and convenience in healthcare, Teladoc Health Inc (NYSE:TDOC) also emerges as a key player. Teladoc Health Inc (NYSE:TDOC) specializes in telemedicine services that allow patients to connect with healthcare professionals remotely. By providing on-demand medical consultations, mental health services, and chronic condition management, Teladoc Health Inc (NYSE:TDOC) addresses the increasing need for virtual healthcare, making it more accessible to a broader population. Telemedicine Physician is one of the best work-from-home jobs in 2023.

Our Methodology

To rank our list of the 20 most in-demand jobs for the future, we have relied on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics that provides details on the occupations and industries expected to experience the highest growth between 2021 and 2031. The median salary and growth rate numbers are all derived from the Occupational Outlook Handbook and reflect the median pay as of 2021. In case of similar growth rates, the job with higher median salary was ranked higher.

20 Most In-demand Jobs for the Future
20 Most In-demand Jobs for the Future

Here is a list of the 20 most in-demand jobs for the future

20. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Counsellors

Growth Potential: 22%


Median Salary: $48,520

Counselors specializing in substance abuse, behavioral disorders, and mental health provide treatment for individuals with mental or behavioral issues that disrupt their lives. While a bachelor's degree and clinical license are typically necessary, specific requirements may range from certification to a master's degree. It is one of the most in-demand jobs for the future.

19. Web Developers

Growth Potential: 23%


Median Salary: $78,580

Web developers create and maintain websites by designing and coding web pages. They also implement functionality, and ensure optimal user experience. They work with programming languages, frameworks, and content management systems to bring websites to life on the internet. Web development is one of the highest-paying part-time jobs for college students.

18. Operations Research Analysts

Growth Potential: 23%


Median Salary: $82,360

Operation research analysts apply advanced mathematical and analytical techniques to solve complex problems across multiple industries such as healthcare, business, logistics, and science. While a bachelor's degree in operations research or a quantitative field is required, candidates with graduate degrees are preferred for promising job prospects.

17. Physical Therapy Assistants

Growth Potential: 24%


Median Salary: $49,180

Physical therapy assistants aid individuals in recovering movement and managing pain caused by injuries or illnesses. An associate's degree and passing the National Physical Therapy Exam are required to qualify. Top locations for these professionals in employment include Texas, Florida, California, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.  It is one of the most in-demand jobs for the future.

16. Home Health Aides

Growth Potential: 25%


Median Salary: $29,430

Home health and personal care aides support individuals with disabilities or chronic illnesses and assist with day-to-day activities like bathing and dressing. They may administer medication and monitor vital signs, working under healthcare practitioners' guidance, especially when caring for older adults. They may also be responsible for light housekeeping duties such as doing laundry or dishes to ensure patients' home healthcare health and well-being.

15. Occupational Therapy Assistants

Growth Potential: 25%


Median salary: $61,520

Occupational therapy assistants support patients in regaining and maintaining daily life skills. Under occupational therapists' guidance, they facilitate therapeutic activities focused on developmental disabilities, socialization, and mobility.

14. Epidemiologists

Growth Potential: 26%


Median Salary: $78,830

Epidemiologists study diseases and investigate injuries. They aim to minimize their occurrence and impact through research, community education, and health policy and promote public health and well-being. It can be considered one of the most secure jobs for the future.

13. Solar Photovoltaic Installers

Growth Potential: 27%


Median Salary: $47,760

In addition to wind power, solar is another fast-growing energy source and field. Solar photovoltaic installers assemble and install solar panel systems. They work with tools and equipment to mount panels, connect electrical wiring, and ensure proper functionality. Installers may also assist in conducting site assessments and troubleshooting system issues.

12. Medical and Health Services Managers

Growth Potential: 28%


Median Salary: $101,340

Medical and health services managers supervise and manage the operations of healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. Their focus is on ensuring the efficient functioning of the facilities, allowing other healthcare professionals to provide direct patient care.

11. Physical Assistants

Growth Potential: 28%


Median Salary: $121,530

Physician assistants work alongside doctors and surgeons, conducting medical examinations, diagnoses, and treatments. They usually require a master's degree and prior patient care experience before applying to a graduate program.

10. Animal Caretakers

Growth Potential: 29%


Median Salary: $28,730

A career in animal caretaking may be suitable for individuals passionate about working with pets. Animal caretakers are responsible for feeding, grooming, training, and exercising animals. A high school diploma is typically sufficient for this job, and prior experience is not always required.  You can also check out our article on high-paying remote jobs without a degree or experience.

9. Umpires and Referees

Growth Potential:  32%


Median Salary: $35,860

Umpires and referees enforce the rules and regulations of sports competitions. They ensure fair play and maintain order. It is one of the most demanded jobs for the future. In order to become an umpire, you are required to join a cricket association and pass all the necessary exams to get certified.

8. Statisticians

Growth Potential: 33%


Median Salary: $95,570

Statisticians have a job with a promising scope for the future. They are highly sought after in various sectors like business, healthcare, government, and engineering due to their data analysis and problem-solving skills. Typically, statisticians need to pursue a master's or doctorate in a quantitative field.

7. Information Security Analysts

Growth Potential: 35%


Median Salary: $102,600

Information security analysts play a crucial role in protecting computer networks and systems for organizations. Given the persistent threat of cyberattacks, these professionals are essential for developing security protocols and staying abreast of information technology and security advancements. It is going to be one of the best jobs in 2050.

6. Athletes and Sports Competitors

Growth Potential: 36%


Median Salary: $77, 300

Athletes and sports competitors engage in athletic activities, training, and competitions to showcase their physical prowess, skills, and abilities in various sports disciplines. It is one of the most in-demand jobs for the future.

Click here to see 5 Most In-Demand Jobs for the Future.

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Disclosure: None. 20 Most In-Demand Jobs for the Future is originally published on Insider Monkey.
