15 States With the Highest Property Taxes in the US

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In this article, we will look at 15 states with the highest property taxes in the US. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to 5 States With the Highest Property Taxes in the US.

Property tax in the US varies from state to state, county to county, and city to city. Another aspect of property tax is that higher median payments tend to be concentrated in urban areas. For instance, median property taxes paid in New York County, Cook County in Chicago, and Miami-Dade County are almost two to three times higher than their state’s average. This happens due to above-average home prices in urban centers. New York State has a median house sale price of $491,000 compared to New York County’s median house sale price of $770,000. Property taxes are evaluated based on the percentage of home values. The places with higher housing prices have higher property taxes generally. 

States have their own policies regarding taxes. Some states prefer to have higher income and sales taxes to balance out their revenue generation. While some states have high property taxes alongside high rates in other major tax categories such as New Jersey and Illinois.

Some states with the highest property taxes in the US also have the most expensive electricity in the US including New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Vermont, among others.

Housing Property Market in the US

Residential properties include single houses, apartments, mobile houses, condominiums, vacation homes, or similar properties. In 2021, average level of median property taxes paid across the US was $1,682. Hawaii had the lowest property tax rate of 0.32% and New Jersey had the highest property tax rate of 2.23%, as of 2021. 

On October 20, Fortune shared that Morgan Stanley analysts changed their outlook for housing prices. Earlier in April 2023, analysts projected the housing property market to plunge and expected national home prices to drop to 4% in 2023. But analysts now expect housing prices to rise to 5% this year, followed by an increase in mortgage rates, hitting 8%. Mortgage rates have been at the highest level since 2000 and it has had a deep impact on the housing market. 

The monthly payment on a median-priced home is almost up 27% over the past year, as per Morgan Stanley’s calculation. If the monthly payment is adjusted based on the current 8% mortgage rate, it would be nearly 38% higher over the same period. Morgan Stanley has serious reservations about the mortgage rate if it continues to stay at 8%. As per Morgan Stanley, “affordability deterioration would return to the most severe we have seen in decades, the 2022 experience notwithstanding.” Other financial institutions are also eyeing an increase in home prices. Goldman Sachs’ managing director, Roger Ashworth, expects home prices to rise by 1.8% by the end of 2023 and record a 3.5% increase by the end of 2024.