15 Most Valuable Companies In History

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In this article, we will take a look at 15 of the most valuable companies in history. If you want to see some more of the most valuable companies in history, go directly to 5 Most Valuable Companies In History.

Many of the most valuable companies in history dominate their industries. Some of the most valuable companies in history dominated oil and gas. Some are leaders in information technology and computing. All of the companies created a lot of value for their shareholders.

In terms of what creates the most valuable companies in history, the size of the country's economy that a company is from is a key component. If a company's parent country is a small country, it is harder for that company to reach the scale needed to be considered among the most valuable in history. If the company's parent country is a nation with a huge economy, on the other hand, there are likely more markets that have the scale to allow companies to grow to reach very valuable status.

In the 16th century, the Dutch were the leading economic power. As things changed, the British became the leading economic power in the 18th and 19th century. As a result, some Dutch and British companies have made it to the list of 15 Most Valuable Companies In History.

In the 20th century, the United States became the leading economic power. Immediately after World War II, the United States had around half the world's GDP and much of the world's wealth. With much of the world's wealth, many American companies had the capital necessary to expand overseas and gain substantial market share. With much of the world as potential markets, American companies can gain more revenue and potentially more profits. As a result of the dominance of the United States economically, many American companies make this list.

Another factor that helps companies make it to the list of 15 Most Valuable Companies In History is the era that they operate.

In terms of eras, modern day companies are more likely to be more valuable given the growth in the global economy. Because economies have advanced so much over the past 100 years, the markets today are much larger than the markets 100 years ago. With globalization, modern day companies also have opportunities at a larger market.

The emergence of technology has also created many valuable companies, some of which also make the list of the 15 Most Valuable Companies In History.

With technology, companies can grow very quickly and potentially capture a monopoly on very valuable markets that many people use. Microsoft is one example with Windows. Given that technology may not cost all that much to produce after it's first created, some tech sectors can also have higher margins than other industries. With higher margins and larger markets, it can be easier for some tech companies to be considered very valuable.