15 Countries that Produce the Most Plastic Waste

In this article we present the list of 15 Countries that Produce the Most Plastic Waste. Click to skip ahead and see the 5 Countries that Produce the Most Plastic Waste.

India, China, and Philippines are among the countries that produce the most mismanaged plastic waste, which is a significant problem in Asia in particular, which accounts for 81% of the plastic waste that ends up in the ocean.

All of that waste has lead to the formation of the infamous Great Pacific Garbage Patch, as much of that plastic is not biodegradable. At best, it simply wears down into tinier and tinier pieces, which causes its own issues, as it’s then more likely to be ingested by fish and end up on our own dinner plates. It’s estimated that fish ingest as much as 24,000 tons of plastic each year.

While Asia is a major contributor of plastic waste, the issue of mismanaged plastic waste is a global one, and regional statistics about mismanaged waste can often by skewed by developed countries exporting their waste to less developed ones, where it’s often improperly disposed of.

Several companies are on the forefront of advancements in plastic production and waste disposal that offer some hope for a brighter, less wasteful future. One of those companies is Danimer Scientific, Inc. (NYSE:DNMR), which has developed a 100% biodegradable plastic that activist hedge fund Greenlight Capital and DNMR shareholder believes there will be enormous demand for according to its Q4 2021 investor letter. The fund raised its stake in Danimer by 135% in Q3 2022.

Before we begin the countdown of which countries produce the most plastic waste, let’s dig into some of the most serious issues surrounding the matter. We asked OpenAI’s artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT for some of the most important questions on plastic waste and recorded those questions and its own answers below.

Question 1: What is mistreated plastic waste and how does it differ from other types of plastic waste?

ChatGPT’s Answer: Mistreated plastic waste is plastic waste that has not been properly managed or disposed of. This can include plastic waste that has been improperly stored, transported, or processed, leading to damage or contamination. Mistreated plastic waste can pose a number of environmental and health risks, as it can release harmful substances into the air, water, and soil, and can also create litter and visual pollution.

Mistreated plastic waste differs from other types of plastic waste in that it has not been properly handled according to established protocols and guidelines. Properly treated plastic waste, on the other hand, has been managed and disposed of in a way that minimizes the risks it poses to the environment and human health. This can include recycling, incineration, or safe landfilling of plastic waste.