12 Most Expensive Cigars in the World in 2023

In This Article:

In this article, we are going to discuss the 12 most expensive cigars in the world. You can skip our detailed analysis of the global cigar market, the rising popularity of flavored cigars, and a recent acquisition in the cigar industry, and go directly to 5 Most Expensive Cigars in the World

Cigars have long held a captivating allure, entwined with luxury, leisure, and the rich history of indulgence. During the 19th and 20th centuries, cigars were a must-have element of every gentleman’s club and bar lounge. Smoke rooms started to capture conversations of politics and business deals, and as such, the constant presence of cigars became associated with success. Moreover, the elegant craftsmanship and intricate flavors of cigars have made them not only a  symbol of status but also an embodiment of culture and tradition.

Global Cigar Market: 

According to Persistence Market Research, sales of cigars and cigarillos currently account for 3% to 5% share of the global tobacco products market. The global cigar and cigarillo market currently stands at around $21.23 billion and is expected to reach $32.3 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 4.3% during the forecast period. A major reason for the recent growth is the fact that cigars have started gaining popularity among younger adult consumers in many countries, reversing a decades-long downward trend.

As one of the Countries with the Highest Tobacco Consumption, it doesn’t come as a surprise that the U.S. is the world’s largest market for cigars, with an estimated revenue of $12.7 billion in 2023 so far. Historically, cigar smoking in the United States has been a behavior of older men, but the industry’s increased marketing of these products to targeted groups has increased the prevalence of use among adolescents.

The Rising Popularity of Flavored Cigars:

Flavors improve the taste and mask the harshness of tobacco, making flavored tobacco products more appealing and easier to smoke for beginners, who are often young. In 2022, cigars were the second most commonly used tobacco product among U.S. middle and high school students. The availability of flavors in cigars that are prohibited in cigarettes (such as cherry), and the fact that they are commonly sold as a single stick, has raised concerns that these products may be especially appealing to youth. According to a 2021 survey by the CDC, among middle and high school students who smoked cigars in the previous 30 days, 44.4% reported using a flavored cigar during that time.

A popular name among the machine made, flavored cigars is Middleton’s Black and Mild. Designed for the occasional smoker, these pipe tobacco cigars boast a smoke smooth enough to satisfy an aficionado in a pinch. Owned by Altria Group, Inc. (NYSE:MO), Black & Mild cigars are available in a variety of flavors like apple, cherry, cream, and more.