12 High Growth Value Stocks to Buy According to Seth Klarman

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In this article, we will take a look at the 12 high growth value stocks to buy according to Seth Klarman. To see more such companies, go directly to 5 High Growth Value Stocks to Buy According to Seth Klarman.

Following clear signals from the Federal Reserve that it’s ready to keep raising interest rates to make sure inflation reaches its goals and does not come back to haunt the markets again, the talk of a possible recession is again in the news. Investors flock to value stocks when markets waver and recession fears mount. The reason behind this trend is simple: investors don’t want to pay a higher premium for risky or growth stocks when there’s no certainty on the economy and recession is expected. Value stocks, on the other hand, are safe and do not lose value even when broader markets are showing signs of weakness. A report by GMO published in June this year entitled “Value Does Just Fine in Recessions” argued that value stocks have performed well in almost all recessions in the US history except the COVID 19 recession in 2020 since that event was unique and peculiar. The report said that in the next recession, whenever it comes, value plays will perform well just like they did in the past recessions. The GMO report also analyzed value stock returns during recessions that happened over the past 55 years.

The report said that “every version of value besides price/ book performed better in an average recession month (even including Covid) than in a non- recession month since the end of 1969.”

Why Value Stocks Do Not Underperform During Recessions?

The GMO report then discussed the issue of value traps from an interesting angle. The report answers the question of why value stocks do not underperform or disappoint during recessions? What’s the secret behind their tenacity during recessions? The report finds the answer to this question by making a contrast of value traps to what it calls “growth traps.” According to GMO, many value stocks prove to be value traps when recessions start, but in the growth stocks universe, stocks that disappoint investors and become “traps” outnumber those in the value universe.

“We see spikes in value traps and growth traps in all three recessions. The last year has been a really interesting case as well. The U.S. does not seem to be in a recession at the moment, but the vast majority of growth stocks have both disappointed on revenues in the past 12 months and seen future revenue growth estimates come down. Each of the top 10 growth names in the U.S. were officially traps in the last year, although the scale of the issue varies by company. Apple disappointed by 4% on their revenues and saw their future growth expectations fall by 4% as well, whereas Tesla disappointed about 9% and saw its future growth forecast come down by a massive 34%. The huge prevalence of growth traps last year does call into question the common narrative about the 2022 growth carnage. Rather than being a case of growth stock valuation premia coming down due to rising interest rates, I’d argue that an awful lot of the pain was from growth stock valuation premia coming down because the growth stocks proved less growth than investors had hoped.”