12 Best Quality Stocks To Buy Now

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In this piece, we will take a look at the 12 best quality stocks to buy now. If you want to skip our analysis of stock quality and want to jump ahead to the top five stocks in this list, then take a look at the 5 Best Quality Stocks To Buy Now.

When it comes to analyzing stocks, there are a myriad of tools available to professional and retail investors. Two of the most popular approaches are value investing and growth investing. Both of these are widely used, and starting from value investing, it simply involves analyzing stocks that have the potential to appreciate in the future. A stock's value is typically defined by several metrics such as its price to earnings ratio and its fair value. The former measures the premium that the market is paying over a firm's ability to earn profit and the latter is a subjective analysis that factors in future cash flows and business operations to wager a guess at the stock price. The higher the fair value, the safer an investment is and the less margin exists for making a loss if a buying decision is made.

Growth stocks, on the other hand, have high P/E ratios. This is because investors expect their share price to significantly appreciate in the future based on market advantages and technological strengths among other factors. Therefore, they are willing to pay higher share prices now with the hope that future earnings growth will also push the share price up.

One approach that receives less attention when compared to growth or value investing is Quality Investing. While the former two have defined metrics that make for easy classification, quality stocks are much harder to define. Despite this, there are dozens of quality factor ETFs that are operated by different entities. Some of the biggest quality factor ETFs in terms of total assets are iShares MSCI USA Quality Factor ETF (BATS:QUAL), iShares MSCI Intl Quality Factor ETF (NYSE:IQLT), and Invesco S&P 500 Quality ETF (NYSE:SPHQ). Each of these has different criteria for stock selections, and as you might have guessed, they also target different stock indexes.

So, it's clear that we'll have to turn elsewhere to see what stock quality is all about. One place where we might find answers is academia. On this front, a research paper from 2017 takes a look at several signals that are used by investors to measure stock quality. The researchers, associated with Research Affiliates, LLC,  used three primary criteria to measure quality. These consider whether a quality factor has been previously discussed in academia, a steadfastness against shifting definitions, and a globally agnostic impact on stock performance. They also analyzed quality factor indexes and narrowed down seven metrics that are typically defined as a quality indicator. These are profitability, earnings stability, capital structure, growth, accounting quality, shareholder payouts or stock dilution, and investment strategies. Then, the researchers checked which of these factors were actually leading to return premiums and found that profitability, accounting, payouts, and investment strategies were the ones that made the final cut.