11 Major Rebranding Disasters And What You Can Learn From Them

Every company is defined by a few things: its name, logo, and brand identity. Successfully executing a change in any of those three areas can change the face of a company, whether freshening up the brand or signaling a new direction. Fail at that task, however, and you will likely have a public relations nightmare on your hands.

Rebranding is notoriously difficult, especially with businesses that have an established identity and history. In recent years, many companies have completely botched rebranding attempts.

We've collected the 11 worst rebranding disasters in recent memory. If there's one lesson, it's that a rebranding isn't to be taken lightly. It requires overhauling a company's goals, message, and culture — not just the logo.

The SciFi Channel's "text-friendly" new name is a slang word for syphilis.



The SciFi Channel, a TV channel that broadcasts science fiction, fantasy, supernatural, and horror programming, rebranded to the SyFy Channel in 2009. The company's main justification was two-fold: It couldn't own the trademark on SciFi, and it wanted to go with something that was more "cutting edge."

To pick the name, it asked tech-savvy 18- to 34-year-olds (its predominant demographic) for feedback, who told them that SyFy was how someone would text the name.

The company bought in, but it was ill-advised. It turns out "syfy" is a slang term for t he STD syphilis. The new name association was ridiculed, and many longtime fans decried the name change.

Pepsi spends $1.2 billion on this rebrand, with the logo alone costing $1 million. We can't figure out why.



Pepsi has never been a stranger to brand redesigns, having undergone one nearly once a decade over its 100-plus-year history. In 2008, Pepsi unveiled the latest redesign, which saw the company rotating its iconic circular logo and adjusting the tilt of the white stripe. The entire rebranding effort cost the company a whopping $1.2 billion over three years.

It's not exactly a revolutionary change, so where the price tag comes from we're not sure.

The white stripe is supposed to vary across each Pepsi product, getting wider or thinner depending on the product. The stripes are supposed to look like smiles, but it's hard to see and most customers didn't notice.

For a company that's competing with one of the most iconic American brands around (Coca-Cola), it can be forgiven for trying something new, but this rebrand comes across as a giant waste of time and money.

London goes "modern" with its logo for the 2012 Summer Olympics. Everyone thinks it's just ugly.