10 Biggest Solar Companies In The World

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In this article we are going to list the 10 biggest solar companies in the world. Click to skip ahead and jump to the 5 biggest solar companies in the world. Look, we all know the issue with power generation and electricity generation not just over the past few decades but over the past few centuries as well, ever since the Industrial Age began.

Throughout history and since the inception of the Industrial Age, we have been using up renewable energy resources and burning them to generate energy, and in turn manufacture electricity, which is one of the most integral necessities in the modern world. However, firstly, these resources are present deep beneath the earth and in limited quantity, which means we cannot rely on them forever or even more than a century or two at most, even though these estimates are consistently revised. This means that we've needed substitutes for these commodities to ensure uninterrupted supply for the foreseeable future and even beyond. Second, the burning of fossil fuels is perhaps one of the most dangerous practices that we've carried on for so long, and which has significantly harmed the planet we live on. The burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, where it does great damage and is one of the biggest reasons behind global warming, which has now been given the more palatable name of climate change.

If you look around you, you're more than likely to be among the vast majority of people who are now seeing the first major effects of climate change, which has resulted in extreme summers which break record after record, while winters seem to be more harsh as well. Erratic weather patterns have led to storms and major weather events occurring in greater frequency as well as greater severity. This is another reason why we've needed an alternate to fossil fuels, which we have found.

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Copyright: lassedesignen / 123RF Stock Photo

Renewable resources refers to resources which are naturally replenished and hence, plentiful and in no danger of running out. Replacing non-renewable resources with renewable resources not only takes care of the problem of future supply, but also of climate change as using renewable resources to generate power is much more environmentally friendly than fossil fuels. Of the several renewable resources available, sunlight, water, geothermal and wind sources have dominated the power scene and solar companies have started a rise to the top.

In some of the more developed economies in the world, especially those in Western Europe and North America, people have attained a sufficient standard of living to now focus on and improve some of the more long term problems such as climate change. This is why these companies have started to enact rules and regulations which are designed to discourage burning fossil fuels and rather encourage the establishment of companies which use renewable resources to generate electricity. Hence, more and more renewable resources companies are being incorporated and growing significantly year on year. While this article will focus on solar companies, you are also welcome to take a look at the 15 biggest wind energy companies in the world.