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SymbolNameLast PriceSector / CategoryTypeExchange
0P0000NPDC.BOMax Life Growth Super Fund",84.34N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPCN.BOLIC of India - Gratuity Plus Gr58.74N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPCK.BOLIC of India - Gratuity Plus Ba49.98N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPCR.BOLIC of India - Market Plus I - 36.03N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPCG.BOLIC of India - Profit Plus Bala57.74N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPCC.BOLIC of India - Fortune Plus Bal39.00N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPC6.BOLIC of India - Market Plus Secu53.03N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPC9.BOLIC of India - Fortune Plus Bon35.59N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPCA.BOLIC of India - Money Plus Secur43.20N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPCS.BOLIC of India - Money Plus I - B54.77N/AMutual FundFRA
0P0000NPCZ.BOLIC of India - Child Fortune Pl49.02N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPCQ.BOLIC of India - Money Plus I - G59.72N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPC4.BOLIC of India - Market Plus Bala52.55N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPCY.BOLIC of India - Child Fortune Pl32.30N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPCV.BOLIC of India - Child Fortune Pl53.41N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPC7.BOLIC of India - Market Plus Grow37.93N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPND.BOShriram Life - Conservator Plat26.59N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPED.BOPNB Met Life - Protector",34.11N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPCI.BOLIC of India - Gratuity Plus Bo38.52N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPC1.BOLIC of India - Jeevan Plus Secu43.19N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPCP.BOLIC of India - Money Plus I -Bo40.50N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPC0.BOLIC of India - Jeevan Plus Bala42.41N/AMutual FundNYQ
0P0000NPBD.BOKotak Mahindra Life - Kotak Fro72.04N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPCB.BOLIC of India - Money Plus Growt36.89N/AMutual FundBSE
0P0000NPCW.BOLIC of India - Market Plus I - 39.10N/AMutual FundBSE
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