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Desjardins Chorus II Growth T5 (0P00014JI9.TO)

9.11 +0.06 (+0.62%)
As of September 12 at 4:00 PM EDT. Market Open.

Top 0 Holdings (-- of Total Assets)

Sector Weightings

Technology   18.92%
Industrials   13.76%
Healthcare   10.89%
Energy   5.62%
Real Estate   3.38%
Utilities   2.15%

Overall Portfolio Composition (%)

Cash 1.67%
Stocks 57.15%
Bonds 36.74%
Others 4.19%
Preferred 0.04%
Convertible 0.22%

Bond Ratings

US Government 18.03%
AAA 16.81%
AA 30.02%
A 21.87%
BBB 21.33%
BB 3.28%
B 1.33%
Below B 0.58%
Other 4.79%

Equity Holdings

Average 0P00014JI9.TO Category Average
Price/Earnings 0.05 --
Price/Book 0.36 --
Price/Sales 0.47 --
Price/Cashflow 0.08 --
Median Market Cap 66,004.21 --
3 Year Earnings Growth 16.22 --

Bond Holdings

Average 0P00014JI9.TO Category Average
Maturity 9.77 --
Duration 3.92 --
Credit Quality -- --

Performance & Risk

YTD Return 7.36%
5y Average Return 4.38%
Rank in Category (ytd) 79
% Rank in Category (ytd) --
Beta (5Y Monthly) 1.13
Morningstar Risk Rating

Fund Overview

Category --
Fund Family Desjardins Investments Inc
Net Assets 3.13B
YTD Return 7.92%
Yield 4.72%
Morningstar Rating
Inception Date Nov 28, 2011

Fund Summary

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