The Democrats need better villains

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Whose fault is everything that’s wrong?

The Democrats don’t have convincing answers. They assail President Trump, of course—but worsening income inequality, a stagnant middle class and unaffordable health care were problems well before Trump came on the scene. In some ways, Trump got elected in 2016 because he addressed those issues more persuasively than other candidates.

The 20 Democrats who faced off recently in two inaugural debates came up with about half a dozen repeat offenders to explain who’s responsible for the economic strains in America. The most common bogeymen among leading Democrats are “giant corporations” (Sen. Elizabeth Warren), Wall Street banks (Warren and Sen. Bernie Sanders), pharmaceutical companies (Sen. Cory Booker and others), health insurers (Sen. Kamala Harris and others), oil companies (Warren), and billionaires (Sen. Amy Klobuchar). A few companies earned dishonorable mention by name, including Amazon, General Motors and McDonald’s.

These are broadside attacks on private-sector capitalism, and they’re not likely to carry the Democratic presidential nominee to victory in 2020. If Democrats want to play the blame game, they need to find better villains to pin America’s problems on. And a good place to look is in Washington, D.C.

[Check out our latest podcast, on Medicare for all: It ain’t all that.]

There’s nothing new about attacks on big business by populist politicians trying to rile up the proletariat. But here’s the problem: Americans are sort of getting along with corporate America these days. The big banks (aside from the bumbling Wells Fargo) haven’t wrecked anything lately, and they’re operating more responsibly under new rules put in place after the Wall Street meltdown in 2008 and 2009. Most Americans can get loans for cars and homes. Interest rates are low.

Out of step with mainstream Americans

The strong labor market means more workers are getting raises and surprising numbers are quitting for better jobs. Oh by the way, about 25 million work for those “giant corporations” Elizabeth Warren vilifies. Does she want none of their votes? Or merely want to turn them against their nefarious employers?

Health insurers and pharmaceutical firms are bad guys because they make health care too expensive and confusing. Except more than two-thirds of people with private, employer-sponsored health care say they like their coverage, with only 6% saying they hate it. Oil companies are bad because they produce the fossil fuel that’s causing global warming. Yet almost everybody travels in vehicles that burn that fuel, making nearly every consumer complicit with the evil oil companies.