Coronavirus: 'We cannot' put kids in schools 'if we have a very high level of transmission,' doctor warns

This post has been updated.

Educators and school administrators are finding themselves caught between balancing the White House’s desire to reopen schools and the risks to public safety.

The driving force in any decision should be the rate of coronavirus transmission in a specific locality, one public health expert explained.

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“We all want to get our kids back to school — getting our kids back to school is so important,” Dr. Anne Rimoin, a professor at the UCLA School of Public Health, told Yahoo Finance’s The First Trade (video above). “That being said, we cannot do it in unsafe conditions. And if we have a very high level of transmission like we do here in Los Angeles, it is not safe to put kids back in school and to put teachers and staff in a position of potentially being exposed.”

Coronavirus is surging in southern U.S. (Graphic: David Foster/Yahoo Finance)
Coronavirus is surging in southern U.S. (Graphic: David Foster/Yahoo Finance)

Epidemiologists generally agree that community spread of coronavirus cannot be controlled if the positivity rate of those tested is above 5%. There are nearly 150,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Los Angeles County, home to roughly a quarter of the state’s population, with a positivity rate of nearly 10%.

The 7-day moving average for the state of California was 7.1% as of Sunday, and the average for the country is 8.5%.

Positivity rate of coronavirus testing. (Johns Hopkins)
Positivity rate of coronavirus testing. (Johns Hopkins)

Schools from Los Angeles to Nashville to Atlanta have already decided that they will begin the new school year in the fall online. And despite the troubling numbers, the Trump administration is pushing for schools to open with full in-person classes for the upcoming school year.

“We do want to get our schools open,” President Donald Trump stated in an interview with Georgia’s WSB-TV Channel 2 on Thursday. “There’s virtually no impact on children. They’re just stronger than we are.”

‘What we really need is information’

One thing that complicates matters is that it’s not entirely clear how the coronavirus virus spreads among children, Dr. Rimoin noted.

“So what we really need is we need information,” she said. “We need good data … on how [the] virus spreads in children and who is at risk, and we need a massive investment in the school system.”