Why the Republicans bomb on health care

If the Republicans in Congress want to try again to pass a health care bill, maybe they should make it about health care.

Three Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act failed spectacularly this year — including the latest, the Cassidy-Graham bill — because they weren’t really about health care. They were about money. Sure, the two are inextricably linked, but if your goal is to slash federal spending so you can cut taxes, then label your bill the Great American Tax Cut Act and promote it that way. Apparently there are enough smart voters to tell it’s a sham when you label something a “health care” bill but what you really do is eliminate care in order to save money.

Democrats made one giant mistake when they passed the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, in 2010: They hurt some people in order to help others. The law helped millions of low-income Americans who couldn’t otherwise afford health insurance get it. But Obamacare punished middle-income Americans — especially those between the age of 50 and 64 — who bought individual policies and earned too much to qualify for subsidies under the ACA. Their premiums skyrocketed and some had their plans canceled, because they didn’t comply with new ACA rules. President Barack Obama earned the Politifact Lie of the Year award in 2013 for his claim that “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it.”

The competition for future Lies of the Year would have been intense had any one of the three GOP health care bills passed this year. Their backers claimed the bills would push health care costs down, improve coverage for people covered under Obamacare today and create more efficiency. But the main goal of each bill was to drastically cut federal spending on Medicaid, the health program for the poor. Obamacare expanded Medicaid, and the GOP scheme was to roll back that expansion, and go further.

Under each of the three bills, the number of uninsured would have soared, with estimates ranging from 22 million to 32 million addition people lacking coverage during the next decade. By definition, that is not health care reform.

Learning from Obamacare

The lesson of Obamacare was the old medical oath: First, do no harm. So if the GOP ever produces an actual health care bill, its first aim should be to keep coverage levels where they are, at a minimum. Its second aim should be lowering costs for everybody, including those covered by government plans and those covered by private-sector plans. Getting costs under control would by its very nature help more people afford health care coverage, and lessen the burden on taxpayers who support Medicaid and other federal health programs.