Q3 2024 Verizon Communications Inc Earnings Call- Sell Side Analyst

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Brady Connor; Senior Vice President; Verizon Communications Inc

Hans Vestberg; Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer; Verizon Communications Inc

Joseph Russo; Executive Vice President and President - Global Networks and Technology; Verizon Communications Inc

Sowmyanarayan Sampath; Executive Vice President and CEO of Verizon Consumer Group (VCG); Verizon Communications Inc

Anthony Skiadas; Chief Financial Officer; Verizon Communications Inc

Kyle Malady; Executive Vice President and Group CEO - Verizon Business; Verizon Communications Inc

Simon Flannery; Analyst; Morgan Stanley

John Hodulik; Analyst; UBS Equities

Dave Barden; Analyst; BofA Global Research

Peter Supino; Analyst; Wolfe Research

Jim Schneider; Analyst; Goldman Sachs

Sebastiano Petti; Analyst; JPMorgan

Brandon Nispel; Analyst; KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc.

Mike Rollins; Analyst; Citi

Frank Louthan; Analyst; Raymond James

Tim Horan; Analyst; Oppenheimer & Co., Inc.

Walt Piecyk; Analyst; Lightshed Ventures

Kutgun Maral; Analyst; Evercore ISI

Laurent Yoon; Analyst; Bernstein


Brady Connor

Good morning. Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Essex House, and welcome to our event this morning. And for everybody on the webcast, thank you for listening in. Got a couple of items that I need to cover up front first. And I'm missing the clicker, is there a clicker? Okay, there we go.
Safe Harbor statement -- so our presentation today contains things about statements that are forward looking and contain risk and uncertainties. Those are covered on our website with the Safe Harbor Statement. A couple of items -- also, we have some non-GAAP disclosures or non-GAAP items in the presentation. The reconciliations of those are provided on the website. Next slide, please.
And one administrative item for today, the camera's going to be focused on the stage during live Q&A. For the folks in the audience, we ask that you announce your name and your firm when called on for Q&A.
With that, we're really excited for the content today, so let me hand it over to Hans and we'll get going. Hans?

Hans Vestberg

Good morning, and welcome to Verizon third-quarter earnings call, as well as a broadband update. Very happy to see so many in the room, but of course, also happy for everyone joining on the webcast.
Let me kick this off. We have an agenda that is pretty simple. Going to talk about the highlights of the third quarter, then we're going to do some -- a little bit of strategic updates. And we're going to end up with Tony talking about the results and capital allocation.
So let me start by talking about the third quarter. And maybe before I start with the third quarter, just mentioning the hurricanes that has been going through our southern part of our country and had devastating impacts. Verizon, of course, has worked tirelessly to see that our communications up is so essential that communication is working for public safety, but also for the communities that are affected.
Initially in some of the states, we had challenges, especially with power, but I think that our team did a fantastic job to get our networks up pretty quickly. So again, these are things that are happening constantly around the world right now with hurricanes and natural disasters. For us, building the networks, as you're always doing, is extremely important to see the resilience on the network during this time.
So starting with that, talking a little bit about the results. I have a tie today. That means it's a good result. It is a good result. I'm really pleased what I've seen. I've talked to you so many times that there are years when you are a CEO where you're performing better than others. And I know that '22 wasn't the highlight on my career at Verizon, but god d**n what we have done, great job since then. Started in '23 in the mid-year of starting changing the products and all of that, and then coming around where we are right now.
Looking at the financials, growing 2.7% in the wireless service revenue is great. I'm also proud to report the biggest profit EBITDA in the history of Verizon, $12.5 billion in the quarter, which is really good and it's multifactors. And of course, the team sitting over there done a great job, proud of that. We continue to create good cash flow, $6 billion in the quarter, continue with a really strong cash flow generation, as that is part of our measurement and how we measure ourselves.
On the operational side, we started getting an even better balance on the postpaid side. We were 239,000 net adds, positive. Sampath will talk about what happened in the consumer, but I already now going to tell him he did a great job in the postpaid, but also in the prepaid. We were turnaround prepaid. I got a lot of questions over the years. Now, we're around positive 80,000 ex-SafeLink.
And of course, the business side did a great job on wireless again. Kyle and his team is consistently between 125,000 to 150,000 net adds every quarter. And I'm really pleased with that.
The broadband side, I promised you now for quite a long time, as soon as I get into 4 million to 5 million fixed wireless access subscribers, I'm going to come back to what we're going to do after that. Four slides down, I will talk about that. But first of all, I'm going to take a victory lap that we're 15 months ahead on the target we outlined when we bought the C-Band with our fixed wireless access. Again, a great product, great work.
The same time, for the ones that remember, we were a little bit weaker on Fios in the second quarter because there was a little bit of movement in the market with ACP and all of that. Now, we're back to normal again. The team is doing great work with Fios. All in all, a great quarter for broadband.
And we continue with the private networks and the mobile edge compute. We announced two deals this quarter, but we had way more. FIFA and MSG, Madison Square Garden Group, all are buying private networks, using our capabilities in dense areas to see that they can fulfill their fans or the customers' experiences.
All in all, we feel good about the full-year financial guidance that we gave earlier in the year. We even said, if you have read the press release, which I hope that all of you have done, that when it comes to the wireless service revenue and EBITDA, we are at midpoint or above on both of them for the full year. That's how good we feel about the performance so far in the year.
That's what I have to say about the third quarter. Tony will come back and go a little bit deeper. If I then come in to talk a little bit about the strategy, some of this is given for you, but for me, it's a journey where we are today. It's a long journey with a lot of things. And we are a very organized, structured company in what we're doing.
The first phase, I call it sort of building the foundation. Some of you remember the heavy investment in fiber, the Verizon Intelligent Edge Network. All of that was enormously important for today's work. I mean, on the table in front of you, you have your consumer connection report. That's what we give out twice a year with all the stats what's happening in the network.
Last time we told you that our network, the last five years, grew 129%. If you haven't built it with our own fiber, with the transport networks we have done and all these fundamentals that Kyle and Joe has built, we couldn't handle all this data and have the best network in the nation when it comes to wireless and broadband.
So the fundamentals we did with go-to-market, with consumer and business, is really paying off today. And you see it when our product has started resonating with the market is because we have Kyle and we have Sampath, both of them thinking about how to meet the customer demands and what the customer needs to have. So all in all, that was important.
In the second phase, all of you remember, we sold, we bought a lot of assets. We sold everything in Verizon Media Group. We bought the TracFone that is paying off right now. We also bought the C-Band, enormously important. You're going to hear Joe talking about the C-Band, but we all know where we deployed the C-Band, we have a great financial success and customer impact. So very important movements we did in that.
But we also launched a lot of new products -- fixed wireless access, myPlan, myHome, and a lot of other things -- that we now have as the base going into '25. And now, we're also extending our TAM with a couple of larger investments we're doing, all the way from Frontier, but also what we're going to talk to in a second. So for me, this journey is now in a moment where we have the right assets, we have the right team, and we have great products for our customers.
Only the last, I would say six months, we have done all of these strategic movements in order to strengthen ourselves to continue to be clearly the number one in the market and extending that. You have seen them all, the customer-first offerings we have done, resonating with our customer. We're going to hear Sampath talk about them.
The refreshed brand we did in June, that takes time to get the impact, but we see the positive movement with a refreshed brand that is supporting our new products. Really happy with that. And hopefully, some of you are looking at commercials, either digitally or on TV, and see how we're trying to recapture and rethinking the way we're showing up for our customers.
We have the planned Frontier acquisition. We talked about that in a separate session. We're excited about that and adding to our expanded TAM. We did a tower transaction. And just two seconds on that, of course, it was cash in, but more importantly, we only do the deal when we can see a deal that actually creating more opportunity for us, both by having a cost level that is predictable for us, very important.
I like owner's economics in the network, and second, also creating more competition in the market. We're suddenly creating with this strategic partner in Vertical Bridge, another strong partner in the market, giving more optionality and seeing that we can have a predictable cost for our tower leases, which is one of the few things we don't have 100% ownership on.
We also, just yesterday, I think, announced that we're buying some spectrum UScellular. It's going to take time until that's come into fruition because it's hanging on another acquisition. So I don't think it's going to be cashed out until '26. It's just adding capacity. It's a buy versus build in that region, so we're adding capacity there.
And then we will not speak so much about AI today, but I hope you're going to ask some questions to Kyle because not only see the efficiencies that Sampath is talking about in the customer care and personalization, we see with our compute storage, with our power and the mobile edge compute, we see great opportunities when it comes to AI and revenues for us. And we will talk a little bit about here, but we also do it in the future, coming back a little bit more structure and talk about what we're doing. But we're already right now see a good tractions on what we're doing on the front end of it.
All in all, that sums it up where we are today. I think we have an unmatched value proposition all the way from our best mobility -- America's best mobile networks. We created a satellite partnership recently. We have myPlan, plus all the business-to-business offerings, strong offering. And then on the broadband side, all the way from Fios to fixed wireless access, we're now almost 12 million broadband customers, 11.9 million.
The fixed wireless access is generating more than $550 million per quarter in revenue, started three years ago. So we can see that we can build on this network, where we build the network once and we want as many profitable connections on top of it. It started paying off with that. So we're uniquely positioned in the market with owner's economics.
So all that said, where are we in the quarter? Where are we going as a company? We know also that we've hit sort of our targets on broadband. So we're going to talk today about what we're doing next.
So our broadband targets going forward is basically going to say that we're going to double the fixed wireless access targets by 2028 to 8 million, 9 million fixed wireless access subscribers. Joe will talk a little bit what we're doing and how we continue. And I expect that Joe, our Head of Network, will continue to have capacity way beyond and continue to build for us so we are ready to capture this opportunity that we're creating.
We're also going to talk about our acceleration on Fios. We think that's a great opportunity for us to do that in this moment. We will, as we have closed the Frontier acquisition, have more than 30 million fiber passings. And we also see a clear path of somewhat of 35 million to 40 million passings off the Frontier and what we're doing ourselves. And if you combine that with our fixed wireless access, I think in the future, we're going to cover more than 100 million households.
So clearly, the broadband, together with the mobility, together with our offerings, we are putting ourself up to a possibility to continue to have a sustainable growth on our service revenue, but also continue to expand our EBITDA and cash flow. And the ones that have been following us for a time, you know that those three are the things we're measured on. Those are the three things that management are measured on. The Board has decided those are the three things that is actually driving the most shareholder value, and that's what we're focused on here right now.
So I will let my team now explain a little bit about where we are and how we're going to execute on these targets. And then, we're going to hear Sampath and Tony talk about the financials and the situation.
So by that, I'm going to hand over to Joe Russo.