Here’s How Much All the Presidential Candidates Have Raised So Far

The 2020 presidential election is more than a year away, but candidates are zig-zagging the country to line up support, both in terms of votes and contributions. Currently, Sen. Bernie Sanders is leading the Democrats in fundraising. And so far, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, former Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton, California Rep. Eric Swalwell, former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee have dropped out of the 2020 election race, despite raising amounts that range from $1.94 million (Moulton) to almost $14.9 million (Gillibrand).

Still, many candidates remain in the field, including President Donald Trump and one recent convert to the GOP who has also raised a pretty penny. Using fundraising data from the Federal Election Commission (accurate as of Aug. 21), GOBankingRates looked at all 18 of the remaining 2020 presidential candidates who have raised at least $1 million.

Bill de Blasio

  • Money raised: $1,087,564.24

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s fundraising tactics compelled a campaign-finance watchdog group called the Campaign Legal Center to file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission. The group, which calls de Blasio’s fundraising for the 2020 presidential election a “shell game,” alleges that the campaign and two affiliated political action committees (PACs) enabled wealthy donors to give more than the law allows by shuffling money between the PACs and the de Blasio campaign.

Steve Bullock

  • Money raised: $2,071,211.06

Pundits generally agreed that Montana Gov. Steve Bullock had a good night in the most recent Democratic presidential debate in late July, and much of his performance can be attributed to his work regarding campaign financing. Just before the debate, a federal judge in Bullock’s home state overturned a Trump administration-backed IRS rule that made it easier for so-called “dark money” groups to fund politicians. The rule allowed tax-exempt political groups to withhold the identities of their donors.

Marianne Williamson

  • Money raised: $3,070,682.92

Marianne Williamson — author-lecturer-activist-turned-presidential-hopeful — became the most-Googled candidate after her performance at the most recent Democratic debate stoked interest in her campaign. Shortly before the debate, she raised eyebrows with a fundraising email she sent to her supporters. Instead of seeking donations for herself, Williamson sought support for Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel — one of her primary opponents — who had not raised enough to qualify for the July debates.

Michael Bennet

  • Money raised: $3,506,968.46