'I’m disgusted': Democrats pounce on Trump administration over 'shady for-profit colleges' policy

Democrats are criticizing new rules by the Department of Education (DOE) that will tighten how students of defunct for-profit colleges can claim debt relief.

The rules — set to come into effect on July 1, 2020 — could cut off more students who have attended for-profit colleges shut down and would then be eligible to have their student loans cancelled.

“When shady for-profit colleges cheat students, those students are entitled to get their student loans cancelled,” U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) tweeted on Wednesday. “That’s the law. I’m disgusted that [Education Secretary Betsy DeVos] is making it harder for defrauded students to have their loans discharged.”

Warren, who has called for a broad cancellation of student debt, previously called DeVos “the worst Secretary of Education we’ve seen.”

Experts in the field argued that the DOE’s latest move demonstrated how DeVos consistently pandered to the interests of for-profit colleges.

CITY OF INDUSTRY, CA  APRIL 27, 2015 -- Teacher Christina Ledoux carries her belongings as Students gathered with teachers that came to collect their personal items at Everest College in City of Industry, one of the Corinthian Colleges that closed on Monday. April 27, 2015. (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
A teacher carries her belongings out from one of the Corinthian Colleges that closed in 2015. (Photo: Al Seib / Los Angeles Times / Getty Images)

"DeVos continues to bend to the whims of the most exploitative schools," Ben Miller, vice president for postsecondary education at the Center for American Progress, said in a statement. "The changes outlined unfairly increase the burden on borrowers, which will continue the green light for predatory activity set by this administration."

DOE data revealed that 85% of undergrads who went to a private for-profit school took out a student loan, compared to 69% who went to a private nonprofit college or 65% who went to a public institution.

“Secretary DeVos has cemented her legacy as best friend to predatory colleges and enemy to the students they rip-off,” The Century Foundation’s Yan Cao said in a statement. “In refusing to process outstanding loan relief applications, and now making it significantly harder for students to show they should get relief in the first place, Secretary DeVos is erasing all pretext that she cares about student borrowers.”

Replacing Obama-era rules

Warren, along with senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) announced on Thursday that they had sent a letter to the Education Secretary Betsy DeVos asking for the DOE to automatically discharge the debt for the affected students, specifically those who had attended the former ITT Tech.

Indianapolis, US - November 18, 2016: ITT Educational Services Location. ITT Technical Institute has closed all its campuses in the wake of devastating federal sanctions IV
ITT Technical Institute has closed all its campuses in the wake of devastating federal sanctions IV. (Sourcce: Getty)

“[W]e remain concerned about your continued failure to process borrower defense claims, including those from former ITT students,” the Democrats wrote. “As of December 31, 2018, more than 19,000 former ITT students had submitted borrower defense applications, and less than one percent had received any determination… There is no indication that you have taken any action on these applications despite our previous requests.”