Why the Feds want to make it easier for them to get into your phone

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein wants tech companies to make it easier for law enforcement to get into your smartphone.
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein wants tech companies to make it easier for law enforcement to get into your smartphone.

The Justice Department wants to add a feature to your smartphone shopping list: “responsible encryption.”

In an Oct. 10 speech at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland., Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein made a case to step back from what the tech industry generally sees as an advance in security: “warrant-proof” encryption on devices that even court-authorized investigators can’t unlock.

Instead, he urged tech firms to adopt “responsible encryption”—as in, the kind “that allows access only with judicial authorization.”

As examples, Rosenstein pointed to “the central management of security keys and operating system updates” and “key recovery when a user forgets the password to decrypt a laptop.”

But granting that seemingly innocuous request could start to carve giant holes into your phone’s security.

You’ve seen this movie before

Rosenstein’s plea did not represent a new development. Past officials at Justice have said much the same thing, and President Obama used similar language last March at the SXSW conference.

The standoff between Apple (AAPL) and the FBI last year over an iPhone 5c used by one of the San Bernardino attackers remains a primary exhibit of the issue here: Police fear that if they can’t unlock an encrypted device, they will miss important evidence.

Vendors like Apple and Google (GOOG, GOOGL), however, have customers who want secure devices, and keeping a backup key on the shelf for police and prosecutors thwarts that.

So, iOS and Android now encrypt a phone’s storage with a key that never leaves the device. Apple, Google, Facebook (FB) and others also offer messaging apps that can encrypt a conversation from end to end with keys confined to individual devices.

Advocates for preserving law-enforcement access generally don’t demand a particular back door into an encrypted system — unlike almost 25 years ago, when the Clinton administration tried to mandate a backdoored government “crypto” standard. They simply ask that the industry do something, anything, to let police do their job.

Two possible, problematic solutions

It’s easy to mock that vague demand as a case of Washington begging tech firms to “nerd harder.” But let’s consider two specific solutions.

The most common suggestion is a form of the centralized “mobile device management” systems that organizations like the Federal Bureau of Investigation employ to control employee devices.

But consumer markets are far larger.

“Nobody has ever done this at anywhere near the scale we’re discussing,” explained Johns Hopkins University cryptography professor Matthew Green. “Apple alone has a billion active devices, and they have a *minority* of the smartphone market share.”