Why Apple needs to make such a big deal about privacy, but Google doesn't

google apple
google apple

(REUTERS/Robert Galbraith)

Apple CEO Tim Cook took a bold and public stance this week against the FBI's request to decrypt an iPhone belonging to one of the San Bernardino shooters.

Cook's open letter won him a lot of support from Apple customers and Silicon Valley executives alike, who appreciated his unequivocal support of user privacy. But when Google CEO Sundar Pichai finally responded on Twitter, hours later, his support for Cook and Apple's stance was ... muted, to say the least.

Where Cook called the FBI's request a "chilling" demand that "would undermine the very freedoms and liberty our government is meant to protect," Pichai's strongest statement on the matter was that this "could be a troubling precedent."

The optimistic view here is that Pichai and Cook care deeply about this issue, and Google — and Microsoft, for that matter, which has yet to issue any kind of statement directly — are just trying to wrap their heads around the complicated legal and ethical issues at play.

But if you look at the business forces in play here, it shows just how different, at their core, the two most valuable companies in the world really are.

Apple-brand privacy

Cook has spent much of the last two years making "privacy" a core part of the Apple brand.

The best example of this was in June 2015, when Cook made a speech on the occasion of being named a "champion of freedom" by the Electronic Privacy Information Center. In his remarks, Cook said:

Our privacy is being attacked on multiple fronts. I'm speaking to you from Silicon Valley, where some of the most prominent and successful companies have built their businesses by lulling their customers into complacency about their personal information. They're gobbling up everything they can learn about you and trying to monetize it. We think that's wrong. And it's not the kind of company that Apple wants to be.

This is the kind of thing that makes people feel good about buying Apple products, while simultaneously slamming ad-driven businesses like Google and Facebook into the ground. It's a win-win on Cook's part.

Here's a contrarian way to look at it, though: In terms of pure technology, Google is flying circles around Apple.

Tim Cook
Tim Cook

Apple CEO Tim Cook.

There's a strong case to be made that Apple's focus on user design and experience makes it the manufacturer of the superior smartphone.

But when it comes to stuff like facial recognition, virtual reality, driverless cars, or even less esoteric stuff like maps and directions — there's no argument. Google is ahead of the pack, just about every time.