How the legal fight over Trump's border wall could hurt the economy

Sixteen states that joined in the first of a string of expected lawsuits over President Donald Trump’s national emergency maneuver to fund a southern border wall could lock up nearly $7 billion in national spending if the funds come under the court’s jurisdiction.

The lawsuit filed in a federal district court for the Northern District of California seeks an injunction to stop the Trump administration from using $7 billion in federal funds already allocated to states to construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

“The diversion of funds is likely to be held up in the courts for most or all of the remainder of President Trump’s first term,” a report from Rabo Research, a Global economics and market research firm, said.

Drawn out court battles that withhold the funds from the economy, the firm said, could negatively impact GDP growth. Consumer confidence, business, and investment could be negatively impacted, as well.

‘Very hard to generate the legal case’

Whether courts will permit legal challenges at all is questionable. None of the parties that have sued the administration easily satisfy standing requirements typically required to maintain an action against the federal government over executive action.

“Unless the emergency order targets a class of people who have a right to be treated differently than they're treated under the universal declaration, it's actually very hard to generate the legal case that would challenge the emergency declaration,” Kim Lane Scheppele, professor of international affairs at Princeton University, told Yahoo Finance.

Jay Platt holds a sign during a protest in downtown Fort Worth, Texas, Monday, Feb. 18, 2019. People gathered on the Presidents Day holiday to protest President Donald Trump's recent national emergency declaration. (AP Photo/LM Otero)
Jay Platt holds a sign during a protest in downtown Fort Worth, Texas, Monday, Feb. 18, 2019. People gathered on the Presidents Day holiday to protest President Donald Trump's recent national emergency declaration. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

Plaintiffs must have an “injury in fact,” meaning an injury that has already occurred or is imminent, and that is not hypothetical. They also must be able to connect the alleged injury to the defendant and show that the court is capable of mitigating the injury.

The 16 states named in the California complaint allege varying injuries. Some say diverting funds away from the states causes injury to state citizens because the state can no longer use funds to stop the flow of illegal drugs and carry out separate law enforcement activities. Others say funds diverted from military projects will stymie general economic growth and, in turn, depress state tax revenues.

Whether those types of injuries are enough for the court to grant an injunctive order that and temporarily halt the use of $7 billion is anyone’s guess.

“If California says you’ve taken the funds that we’ll need for next year's fire season, it's a hypothetical injury and it's a long way off and Congress can re-top the funds,” Scheppele said. Though with courts in uncharted territory, Scheppele said they may find ways to substantiate the state’s lawsuit.