Biden should not mandate vaccines for everybody

Nearly 80 million adult Americans remain unvaccinated against Covid-19, which is causing an upsurge in infections, hospitalizations and deaths as the highly contagious delta variant spreads. With most of the unvaccinated either indifferent or resistant to the idea of halting the spread of this now-preventable disease, calls are growing for the Biden administration to make vaccines mandatory nationwide.

There are better ways to end the coronavirus pandemic once and for all. A federal vaccine mandate would generate a predictable backlash by anti-government, anti-vaccine, anti-civility Americans that would revive the Trump-era culture war over “freedom.” It’s tempting to say so what, let the anti-vaxxers rage, if it helps reach some of the others who might get the shot if the government told them to. But more stupid Covid battles won’t be productive, and besides, Joe Biden ran as a conciliatory presidential candidate tolerant of different views. He’d be undermining his own campaign pledge by reigniting us-versus-them political tribalism.

Other methods are already proving to be more effective at upping the vaccination rate, and they start with the private sector. Some employers, especially health care providers, are beginning to mandate vaccinations for their workers, especially those at worksites with other employees. This is likely to pick up steam, perhaps rapidly, as a few things happen.

First, lawsuits are beginning to validate the right of employers to require vaccinations, as long as they provide exemptions for religious or medical reasons. As that becomes entrenched in the law, more employers will require the shots, as Google now plans to do. Some employers are holding out for the Food and Drug Administration to end the emergency-authorization of the vaccines, and approve them as fully authorized medications. Once that happens, it will remove any remaining hesitancy among employers, especially smaller ones, wondering if they could face lawsuits for requiring vaccines. It will probably also give employers a clear basis for firing workers refusing to get vaccinated.

The full return of workers to offices and job sites, or as full as the new workplace gets, will probably compel more employers to require vaccines, as a means of providing a safe work environment. Once vaccines are fully authorized, it’s not hard to imagine the legal burden shifting, with more lawsuits against employers if somebody gets sick in a workplace where vaccines are not required.

President Biden plans to require all federal workers to get vaccinated or undergo regular testing, as do New York and California. Perfectly legit. Governments are employers like every private-sector business, with the same obligation to protect employees. There will probably be legal challenges, and the governments will probably win. Some federal workers will probably quit in protest, which will eliminate bad apples and tighten the protection against federal workers getting Covid on the job.