Despite trade war, most American farmers still support Trump 2020

As President Trump gears up for re-election after an impeachment trial and amid a trade war, there’s one group he probably won’t have to worry about getting support from: U.S. farmers.

American farmers have faced uncertainty over the last two years with agriculture being caught in the crosshairs of tit-for-tat tariffs between the U.S. and China amid trade negotiations.

To help farmers offset the effects of tariffs, the Trump administration approved $28 billion in farmer aid and promised that support would continue until a comprehensive deal is reached.

And although the relief has been lopsided — an NPR analysis found that about 100,000 individuals collected roughly 70% of the aid payments through July 2019 — most American farmers are still highly supportive of the president.

According to the latest Farm Journal Pulse Poll, 83% of farmers approve Trump, with 64% strongly approving. It is his highest approval rating so far in this poll.

Farmer Bill Sorg (L) works his fields in Hastings, Minnesota. (Photo credit should read KEREM YUCEL/AFP via Getty Images)
Farmer Bill Sorg (L) works his fields in Hastings, Minnesota. (Photo credit should read KEREM YUCEL/AFP via Getty Images)

Glenn Brunkow, a Kansas-based farmer who grows soybeans and corn and raises sheep and cattle, voted for Trump in 2016 and still plans on voting for him in the 2020 cycle.

“At this point, I would say it looks like it,” he told Yahoo Finance. “It depends on the candidate and it depends on their stance on issues as they relate to [agriculture], and any of the other topics that are hot button issues to me. As I look at the field now, he probably aligns the best.”

‘We’re running our razors in margin’

Trade aid is just one of the big issues that matter to Brunkow. He’s also paying close attention to where candidates stand on other agricultural issues like regulations and taxes, which he described as “really important issues” from his perspective.

“I don’t want to see any more taxes — whether it’s an increase in the income tax [or] increase in sales tax,” he said. “The inheritance tax — having that rolled back was a great benefit to us in agriculture. We don’t intend to sell our land when changing generations… We’re running our razors in margin, so any increase in taxes really hurts us.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), currently the Democratic frontrunner, has proposed the “For the 99.8% Act,” which would tax estates worth more than $3.5 million, a big increase from the current $11 million threshold.

Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) are also in favor of breaking up major meatpacking companies as an antitrust move. Candidates like former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), and former Mayor Pete Buttigieg have called for more regulations in the agricultural sector.

Farmer Andy Stoll walks near one of his drought damaged fields of corn in Idaville, Indiana. (Photographer: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
Farmer Andy Stoll walks near one of his drought damaged fields of corn in Idaville, Indiana. (Photographer: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Stances like these are what make Brunkow lean more towards Trump. And there are few things that could change his mind at this point.