The Real Villain in the IRS Scandal

It’s easy to hate the IRS, since it’s the agency that separates taxpayers from their taxes. But the mushrooming scandal involving the targeted enforcement of tax laws against some conservative political groups may leave the IRS more vilified than it deserves.

IRS building: Credit AP
IRS building: Credit AP

On the surface, the controversy suggests the IRS perpetrated a disturbing abuse of government power. An internal investigation by the Treasury Department (which hasn’t been fully released yet) reportedly found the IRS sought out tax-exempt groups with words such as “tea party” or “patriot” in their names, aiming to investigate whether those groups violated certain laws limiting what nonprofits can do.

Details of the Treasury investigation have leaked, prompting howls on Capitol Hill and allegations that the Obama administration is playing dirty pool with political opponents. And now Attorney General Eric Holder says the Justice Department is formally investigating whether the IRS broke any laws. That transforms the matter from a political controversy into a potential criminal case in which IRS officials could face federal prosecution if they improperly divulged taxpayer information or lied under oath when questioned by members of Congress. It also gives a shred of political cover to the Obama administration, which can claim it's doing everything possible to determine if tax collectors broke the law.

The notion of unleashing the IRS on political enemies is so odious that even President Obama has slammed the agency, saying that if the allegations are true, they’re “outrageous.”

“They have to be held fully accountable,” Obama said of the IRS. “People have to have confidence that they're ... applying the laws in a nonpartisan way."

'PTAs and citizens' associations'

In a nutshell, here’s how the whole IRS scandal seems to have developed: The Citizens United Supreme Court case in 2010 allowed unlimited campaign contributions by corporations, labor unions and other organizations. That provided a powerful incentive for political operatives to tap huge new sources of potential funding. Clever lawyers, anticipating weak IRS enforcement, figured they could keep the donors secret -- thus attracting even more money -- by setting up the new political groups as tax-exempt 501(c)(4) organizations, which are named after that section of the Internal Revenue Code.

The IRS defines such groups as “civic leagues, social welfare organizations, and local associations of employees.” But in recent years, many new 501(c)(4)s have been overtly political “super PACs,” including Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS advocacy group and Tea Party Patriots, which supports smaller government and many conservative causes. Priorities USA, President Obama’s super PAC during the 2012 election, was also a 501(c)(4) organization.