Thank You, Millions Of Anonymous Chinese Workers Making $2 An Hour, We Love Our iPhone 5s!

Editor's note: This post originally appeared on

Apple reported on Monday that it sold 5 million iPhone 5 devices in just 3 days since the product's launch -- a new record for the tech giant but also 3 million short of most Wall Street estimates. A good percentage of those phones are made by Chinese workers at Taiwan-based Foxconn Technology Group's plants.

Millions of these phones are now in the hands of rich consumers in the 7 lucky countries that got the iPhones first.

And, for the most part, these customers love them.

As well they should!

Because, relative to what we all carried around as recently as 6 years ago, the iPhone 5 is nothing short of a miracle.

So, it's time to send a thank-you note to the folks who made our iPhones.

Apple and its shareholders have been thanked already, billions of times over, and they'll get thanked even more in the months ahead. The iPhone is the most profitable product in history. And it has made Apple the most valuable company in the world.

It's time to say thank you to the people who actually made the iPhones--as in, put them together.

In other words, the millions of Chinese workers who have worked feverishly to assemble millions of iPhones part-by-part over the past few months.

Assembling iPhones isn't exactly a high-glamour job. In fact, it's an exhausting, backbreaking, and mind-numbingly tedious job. And, unfortunately, making iPhones is not a job that pays enough to enable the folks who make the iPhones to actually buy an iPhone. (Even a crappy old iPhone 4 would be way out of reach for the people who make them, because it's ~$400 without a contract).

Monday morning Foxconn was forced to close its Taiyuan plant in China after a riot broke out at one of its worker dormitories according to news reports. Foxconn employees make Apple devices in addition to other products by Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard. At least 2,000 workers were involved in the brawl that supposedly broke windows at the factory and forced paramilitary policy trucks to patrol the area.

So, on behalf of the millions of us who just got our new iPhones, here's a big 'thank you' to the millions of people who made them.


By the way, if you don't believe that making iPhones is a tough, thankless job, read the description below, from someone who briefly helped make your iPhone.

A reporter for a Shanghai newspaper spent a week working in a Foxconn factory helping to build iPhone 5s.

He described the working and living conditions as a "nightmare," and he couldn't quit soon enough.