There’s A Decent Chance Stocks Will Crash: Henry Blodget

I think there's a decent chance that the stock market will crash in the next year or two — maybe dropping 30% or more.

Even without a crash, I think it's likely that stocks will deliver poor returns from today's level over the next 10 years. Not negative returns, mind you, but poor returns — average annual returns (including dividends) of only about 3% per year.

Given that stocks are usually expected to return about 10% per year, that's pretty crappy.

It's not crappy enough that I'm dumping my stocks. I expect bonds and cash to deliver lousy returns over the next 10 years, too — maybe even worse than stocks. And I'm scared we'll eventually get some rapid inflation, which stocks should provide some protection from (unlike bonds and cash). But I'm not expecting the double-digit gains we've had from stocks over the last few years to continue much longer.

Why not?

Two reasons:

1) Stocks are expensive relative to earnings.

2) Earnings are much higher than normal.

Over the next 10 years, I expect both of those factors — stock prices vs. earnings, and earnings themselves — to regress to means, depressing stock returns in the process.

In other words, I do not think "this time is different." I think "this time is the pretty much the same." Every other time we have been in a situation like this, stock prices and earnings have regressed to means.

This isn't investment advice, by the way. It's just one guy's opinion. And, as I said, I'm not fleeing the market — because I'm a very long-term investor and because there's not much else out there that looks attractive to invest in.

Why I think stocks are going to deliver lousy returns over the next 10 years

There's one thing that most stock-market pundits agree on, including me: Over the long haul, stocks track earnings.

If corporate earnings grow at a compelling rate for a long time, stocks generally follow them up.

If corporate earnings stagnate or tank, meanwhile, stocks generally follow (or even precede) them down.

Of course, this relationship is not tight or direct. Stock prices move much more violently and frequently than earnings, so they oscillate wildly around the long-term earnings trend.

This fluctuation makes short-term stock performance hard to predict. Not only is it hard to predict what earnings are going to do (as you will see in the charts below, earnings do not grow in a smooth, straight line, and analysts almost always miss the turning points). It is also hard to predict what stocks are going to do in response to those earnings.

The smartest approach to individual investing is to stop trying to predict near-term stock and earnings moves and, instead, invest most of your portfolio in low-cost, tax-efficient index funds. That is what I learned to do, after a decade of trying to predict stock moves on Wall Street, and it has served me well. During my decade on Wall Street, I was right a lot of the time and wrong some of the time. That performance actually made me considered a good analyst — I was ranked at or near the top of my category for several years. Alas, when I was wrong, I was really wrong. And those mistakes cost me and my clients a fortune.