Last Price
Sector / Category
Saudi Advanced Industries Co.
35.45 Stocks SAU
Makkah Construction and Develop
98.00 Stocks SAU
Saudi Industrial Development Co
29.40 Stocks SAU
Saudi Paper Manufacturing Co.
68.80 Stocks SAU
The National Company for Glass
56.30 Stocks SAU
Sustained Infrastructure Holdin
32.40 Stocks SAU
Alujain Corp.
37.35 Stocks SAU
Wafrah for Industry and Develop
40.10 Stocks SAU
AYYAN Investment Co.
16.18 Stocks SAU
Saudi Basic Industries Corp.
68.80 Stocks SAU
Saudi Cable Co.
112.60 Stocks SAU
Saudi Arabian Amiantit Co.
29.80 Stocks SAU
Arabian Pipes Co.
12.52 Stocks SAU
Filing and Packing Materials Ma
45.25 Stocks SAU
Saudi Arabian Cooperative Insur
15.84 Stocks SAU

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