Shenzhen - Delayed Quote CNY

China Greatwall Technology Group Co., Ltd. (000066.SZ)

As of 11:54:27 AM GMT+8. Market Open.

Key Executives

Amounts are as of -- and compensation values are for the last fiscal year ending on that date. Pay is salary, bonuses, etc. Exercised is the value of options exercised during the fiscal year. Currency in CNY.
NameTitlePayExercisedYear Born
Mr. Xiangtao Dai President & Director -- -- 1967
Ms. Jindi Song CFO & Chief Accountant -- -- 1973
Mr. Zhong Yan Senior VP & General Counsel -- -- 1968
Mr. Jiyong Yu Senior Vice President -- -- 1967
Mr. Xuan Li Senior Vice President -- -- 1975
Mr. Jing Jun Tan Senior Vice President -- -- 1970
Mr. Ming Niu Senior Vice President & Deputy GM -- -- 1975
Mr. Xifa Wang Board Secretary -- -- 1966

China Greatwall Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Great Wall Computer Building
Science and Technology Park Nanshan District
Shenzhen, 518057
86 755 2663 4759
Computer Hardware
Full Time Employees: 


China Greatwall Technology Group Co., Ltd. engages in network security and information, high-tech electronics, power supply, parks and property service, and other businesses in China. The company offers server products, storage devices, desktop PCs, computers, laptops, tablet PCs, and mobile phones; information security products; and desktop power supply, server power, mobile power, LED power supply, electrical products, chassis, and heat sink products. It also provides cloud computing solutions; and energy storage products, inverter and photovoltaic power stations, lithium primary and secondary batteries, solid-state lithium batteries, and sodium-ion batteries. In addition, it offers bank-to-business solutions, smart banking solutions, self-service card issuing machine product solutions, mobile marketing equipment, processors, card makers, UCR equipment, smart bills and single deposit machines, VTM remote bank, self-service equipment, and counter equipment. The company was formerly known as China Great Wall Computer Shenzhen Co., Ltd. and changed its name to China Greatwall Technology Group Co., Ltd. in March 2017. China Greatwall Technology Group Co., Ltd. was founded in 1997 and is based in Shenzhen, China.

Corporate Governance

China Greatwall Technology Group Co., Ltd.’s ISS Governance QualityScore as of N/A is N/A. The pillar scores are Audit: N/A; Board: N/A; Shareholder Rights: N/A; Compensation: N/A.
Corporate governance scores courtesy of Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) Scores indicate decile rank relative to index or region. A decile score of 1 indicates lower governance risk, while a 10 indicates higher governance risk.

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