Why You Need To Look At This Factor Before Buying Cradle Resources Limited (ASX:CXX)

For Cradle Resources Limited’s (ASX:CXX) shareholders, and also potential investors in the stock, understanding how the stock’s risk and return characteristics can impact your portfolio is important. Every stock in the market is exposed to market risk, which arises from macroeconomic factors such as economic growth and geo-political tussles just to name a few. This is measured by its beta. Not all stocks are expose to the same level of market risk, and the market as a whole represents a beta value of one. Any stock with a beta of greater than one is considered more volatile than the market, and those with a beta less than one is generally less volatile.

See our latest analysis for CXX

An interpretation of CXX's beta

Cradle Resources has a beta of 1.07, which means that the percentage change in its stock value will be higher than the entire market in times of booms and busts. A high level of beta means investors face higher risk associated with potential gains and losses driven by market movements. Based on this beta value, CXX may be a stock for investors with a portfolio mainly made up of low-beta stocks. This is because during times of bullish sentiment, you can reap more of the upside with high-beta stocks compared to muted movements of low-beta holdings.

Could CXX's size and industry cause it to be more volatile?

A market capitalisation of AUD $19.03M puts CXX in the category of small-cap stocks, which tends to possess higher beta than larger companies. Moreover, CXX’s industry, metals and mining, is considered to be cyclical, which means it is more volatile than the market over the economic cycle. Therefore, investors may expect high beta associated with small companies, as well as those operating in the metals and mining industry, relative to those more well-established firms in a more defensive industry. This is consistent with CXX’s individual beta value we discussed above.

ASX:CXX Income Statement Oct 3rd 17
ASX:CXX Income Statement Oct 3rd 17

Is CXX's cost structure indicative of a high beta?

An asset-heavy company tends to have a higher beta because the risk associated with running fixed assets during a downturn is highly expensive. I examine CXX’s ratio of fixed assets to total assets to see whether the company is highly exposed to the risk of this type of constraint. Considering fixed assets account for less than a third of the company's overall assets, CXX seems to have a smaller dependency on fixed costs to generate revenue. Thus, we can expect CXX to be more stable in the face of market movements, relative to its peers of similar size but with a higher portion of fixed assets on their books. This outcome contradicts CXX’s current beta value which indicates an above-average volatility.