Who has ticked you off the most over Brexit?

Justin Tallis | AFP | Getty Images. When it comes to politics, what does it hold for markets and for countries worldwide in 2017? Experts weigh in.·CNBC

The U.K. is still reeling from the ramifications of the vote to quit the European Union (EU).

Its government and opposition are in disarray as the nation searches for a new prime minister and potentially, a new leader of the opposition.

Outlook for the country is dim , the pound is only slightly off of a 31-year-low, and Bank of England Governor Mark Carney warned Thursday further stimulus measures may soon be needed .

Britain has yet to invoke the Article 50 of the Lisbon treaty, which will officially begin negotiations to leave the EU. Commentators have agreed that the process could be drawn out and create uncertainty in the short-term.

With the dust yet to settle, for this week's Trader Poll tell us who ticked you off most over Brexit:

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