PRESS DIGEST- Financial Times - March 16

March 16 (Reuters) - The following are the top stories in the Financial Times. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.


Brexit is feeding UK business inertia, says productivity chief

Former Siemens executive pleads guilty in $100m bribery case

Coutts let senior banker stay after hearing sex pest complaints

Irish border remains biggest obstacle to Brexit deal

Saudi crown prince's sister is target of arrest warrant in France


- Sir Charlie Mayfield, chair of the industry group set up to nurture UK corporate productivity, says the prospect of Brexit is encouraging "inertia" within companies and undermining efforts to improve British business performance.

- Eberhard Reichert, a former Siemens AG executive, has pleaded guilty in connection with a bribery case dating back two decades involving payments to Argentine government officials over a $1 billion contract for national identity cards.

- Coutts & Co Ltd, private bank for the wealthy, has investigated one of its most senior executives over allegations by female colleagues of physical and verbal harassment but decided he could stay at the private bank whose clients include the Queen and David Beckham.

- After weeks of minimal progress, the Irish border issue is emerging as the biggest remaining obstacle to a Brexit transition deal next week.

- Princess Hassa bint Salman, the sister of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is the target of a French arrest warrant in relation to a probe into armed violence. (Compiled by Bengaluru newsroom; Editing by Peter Cooney)
