Op-Ed: Germany will not rush into euro area fiscal union

Hannelore Foerster | Getty Images. The European Central Bank started on Monday releasing its weekly corporate bond purchases. · CNBC

There was a time, not so long ago, when the German Green Party, governing with Social Democratic Party (SDP), was forcefully advocating a federal EU government to preserve and advance the European project of a political, social, economic and monetary union.

More recently, Martin Schultz, the man leading the SPD in the general elections next September, is championing the same idea – with the fiscal union at its core.

The Greens lost power in 2005, and a German commentator quipped last week that Schultz "will get his bill for federalist ideas in the fall," anticipating that SDP will be trounced by the center-right Christian Democrats in the forthcoming elections.

Interestingly, calls for the federal Europe tend to be revived at times of crisis. In the aftermath of the last financial debacle earlier this decade, Germany 's hard-put euro area partners pleaded for solidarity – a short-hand for issuing euro area bonds to finance their deficit- and recession-ridden economies. Germany refused, arguing that the euro area was not a federal state with a unified fiscal policy.

Don't blame the "populists"

As a result, the only thing Berlin offered was a devastating pro-cyclical fiscal austerity in countries already sinking into recessions, with soaring unemployment, poverty, Caritas soup kitchens, falling governments and changing political leaderships, with more than 120 million Europeans experiencing various forms of marginalization and economic precarity.

The ensuing social, economic and political problems have become the sources of "populism," "nationalism," EU exits and people's alienation from their once cherished dreams of peace, prosperity and brotherhood symbolized by the EU anthem of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony "Ode to Joy."

Now what? "More Europe" say those who believe that problems were caused by an inadequate integration process that allowed policy mistakes by incompetent national governments. To avoid similar mistakes in the future, they are now urging a unified fiscal policy to complete the monetary union.

That is what the French call the "fuite en avant" – a semiotic delight roughly translated as fleeing from an unsolvable problem.

Here is what that problem looks like: The fiscal union implies a euro area federal state with a common management of public finances. The area's budget, public debt financing, tax policies, transfer payments, etc. would be managed by a euro area finance ministry. That would also require harmonization of labor, health care and education policies, and a whole range of other social welfare programs.