Not In The Dog House Creates Guides To Small, Medium and Large Dogs for Prospective Owners

Not In The Dog House has published new guides breaking down the top ten dog breeds in small, medium and large sizes to help potential owners identify what kind of dog they’d like best.

San Francisco, CA, United States of America / December 27th, 2013 / ACCESSWIRE / Dogs are the most popular pet on earth, but to say so is reductionism. There are countless different breeds of dogs, some so varied from one another that they would be barely identifiable as the same species. Thus, potential dog owners need to know their Chihuahuas from their Pomeranians and their Great Danes not only in terms of look but in terms of their characteristics. Not In The Dog House has created new editorials about the best dog breeds by size, so that using this as a category they can then specify things like look and temperament.

In the small dog breeds section for instance, the general traits of the class are identified along with the pros and cons before specifics of different breed are identified along with imagery. The English Beagle is identified as a working dog that therefore requires physical and mental stimulation, while the Pomeranian is a dog that is more easily entertained and less tiring.

Similar articles have been published for medium-sized dogs and large dogs, creating a comprehensive at-a-glance guide to the size and style of the breeds while at the same time allowing users to access detailed information on individual characteristics to help them make the right choices.

A spokesperson for Not In The Dog House explained, “People generally don’t think about it, but the sheer scale of variety across the thousands of breeds of dogs is solely a testament to love and care of owners and breeders who have used selective breeding to define the many different breeds not only by their visual appeal but by their wide range of temperaments and even uses. We identify all of these for those interested in getting a dog so they can make the right match first time around.”

About Not In The Dog House:
Not In The Dog House is a site dedicated to all dog lovers, and is committed to the continuing development of the premier resource center for dog ownership anywhere online. Not In The Dog House is all about how to treat a dog like man’s best friend. The website includes information from selecting a breed to dog training tips, to advice and guidance on the different dog breeds that match different lifestyles.

Visit for more information.

Contact Info
Name: Joe Bragg
Organization: Brandoutreach
Phone: (415) 632 1664
