Your iPhone Could Be Causing Your Spouse To Cheat

woman texting in bed
woman texting in bed

Flickr/giant mice kill rabbits

AT&T is running a controversial commercial that celebrates "device addiction," the person that misses the bus, skips a company meeting, doesn't go home after work, in order to play with a new iPhone.

Turns out, device addiction isn't something to celebrate. There's mounting evidence that it will hurt your relationships.

In a new survey of 6,000 people by Victoria Milan, a dating site for married people looking for hookups, 45 percent said they cheated because their partner spent too much time on their phones or tablets. Women ages 30-50 were the most likely to cheat because a mate preferred his device to her company.

What's more. this isn't the only such survey, points out the Huffington Post. Researchers at Brigham Young University also found that too much texting can hurt your relationship, too.

"It's a predictable, albeit unfortunate, commentary that modern use of technology has led to a kind of social isolation -- being alone in a room of many others -- that leads to seeking out connections with others when we are left feeling unfulfilled in our day to day relationships," Victoria Milan's CEO Sigurd Vedal said, reports the Huffington Post.

So, if you're really in love with your iPhone, that could be a sign that you need to put it down for a while and pay more attention to the people you love, too.

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