Interest rate outlook: Global growth could push US yields higher

By: Invesco US, Invesco
Harvest Exchange
April 27, 2017

Interest rate outlook: Global growth could push US yields higher

Invesco Fixed Income shares its views of rates around the world

by Rob Waldner, Chief Strategist and Head of Multi-Sector

At Invesco Fixed Income, we believe strong global growth should ultimately pressure US interest rates upward as global monetary policy tightens. In the short term, however, the US Federal Reserve (Fed) has indicated that it does not intend to tighten interest rates quickly. Moves from other central banks, such as the European Central Bank (ECB), will likely drive price action in longer-dated US Treasuries, in our view. As global growth continues to improve, other global central banks’ actions may catalyze a move higher in US Treasury yields.

Below is an overview of the Invesco Fixed Income team’s outlook for interest rates in other key world economies...

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