Germany wants to support Iran with its reforms - Economy Minister

TEHRAN, Oct 3 (Reuters) - Germany wants to help Iran push ahead with reforms, Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel said on Monday, adding he believed the Islamic Republic was a reliable credit partner as he courted closer trade ties.

"Our aim is to support the current government with its path to opening up to the world," Gabriel said in Tehran, adding he would raise topics such as Iran's role in the war in Syria, Israel and legal state issues with the Iranian leadership.

Gabriel said Iran was a reliable credit partner that kept agreements as a rule.

Gabriel has flown to Iran for a two-day visit with a planeful of executives who are keen to rebuild trade, but remaining U.S. sanctions and political concerns have so far held back a hoped-for business boom.

(Reporting by Gernot Heller; Writing by Caroline Copley; Editing by Kim Coghill)
