Trump seems to have a new nickname for Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

(Donald Trump.Scott Eisen/Getty Images)

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump test-drove a new nickname for Hillary Clinton during a campaign rally in New Hampshire on Saturday.

Calling his Democratic rival "Unstable Hillary Clinton," Trump channeled Clinton's claim that she "short-circuited" in making a comment on Fox News last week that her statements on her email scandal were "truthful."

At times during the Saturday rally, Trump described Clinton as a "monster" and suggested that she might be "brainwashed."

"Unstable" wasn't the only name Trump pinned on Clinton at the rally. At one point, he also reprised an earlier moniker, Hillary "Rotten" Clinton — a riff on the former secretary of state's middle name, Rodham.

In April, Trump rolled out "Crooked Hillary," a name that has gotten significant exposure on social media and during the Republican National Convention last month.

In May, it was "Heartless Hillary" — the brash New York businessman fired off that one during a speech at the National Rifle Association.

Trump has employed such catchphrases throughout this election cycle, even using them to target members of his own party, including Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Jeb Bush.

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