Cisco has an electronic map that it can use to track the location of every employee

John chambers
John chambers

Cisco CEO John Chambers.

Cisco recently invited Business Insider to its massive San Jose, California, headquarters as part of an invite-only press conference.

During lunch, all the reporters gathered around this giant touchscreen device near the door of one of Cisco's kitchen.

It lets you track the location of any Cisco employee on campus.

One reporter jokingly called it the "stalking machine."

Naturally, we used it to locate Cisco's famous former-CEO-turned-executive-chairman John Chambers. We hadn't seen him yet, though he was scheduled to speak to reporters the next day.

When he's not flying his private jet to meet with world leaders, he and his entourage are frequently on campus and, sure enough, he was already there that day, the device told us:

Cisco tour 25
Cisco tour 25

(Business Insider)

In true Marauder's Map fashion, we were even able to track the path Chambers took when he moved from office to office:

Cisco tour 26
Cisco tour 26

(Business Insider)

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