China reports 19 new COVID-19 cases on June 16 vs 21 a day earlier

SHANGHAI, June 17 (Reuters) - China reported 19 new COVID-19 cases in the mainland for June 16, down from 21 cases a day earlier, the country's national health authority said on Thursday.

The National Health Commission said in its daily bulletin that 15 of the new cases were imported infections originating from overseas. All the four local cases were in the southeastern province of Guangdong.

The number of new asymptomatic infections reached 24, down from 36 a day earlier. China does not classify them as confirmed cases.

The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in mainland China stood at 91,511 by the end of June 16, with the death toll unchanged at 4,636. (Reporting by Shanghai newsroom; Editing by Jacqueline Wong)
