Carillion directors accused of being 'contemptuous' over pension payments

Carillion went into liquidation earlier this year - AFP
Carillion went into liquidation earlier this year - AFP

Carillion directors have been accused of being "contemptuous of their pensions obligations" as documents reveal trustees wrote to the regulator twice in the last eight years asking for help.

Frank Field, chair of the work and pensions committee, said the company’s management “refused to give an inch” to the pension schemes over two 15-month negotiation periods after valuations of the scheme in 2008 and 2011.

“Their private pleading that the company could not afford more was in stark contrast to the rosy picture – and bumper dividends – being presented to the outside world,” he said.

Evidence provided to the joint pensions and business committee investigating Carillion’s collapse showed that the pension scheme trustees wrote to The Pensions Regulator (TPR) in 2010 and 2013 over concerns that the company was not paying enough into the scheme.

In 2010, after more than a year of negotiations, the company maintained it could not afford to pay more than £23m a year to service the pension deficit despite making a 12pc increase in dividend payments to shareholders.

The trustees said that Carillion had also proposed “less prudent assumptions and methods” than had been used in previous scheme valuations, suggesting that directors felt that Carillion was in a strong financial position.

In a letter to TPR, the trustees said that they thought an annual payment of £35m would be affordable “as a minimum”.

Explainer | Who's who in the Carillion saga?

Three years later, trustees once again wrote to TPR saying that “an impasse had been reached” over the latest pension payments deal and asked for “formal intervention” from the regulator.

Although TPR held a number of meetings with the trustees and Carillion’s directors, it did not open an investigation into whether it could use anti-avoidance measures until after the company collapsed.

Mr Field condemned the regulator for not acting sooner, saying that he hoped it would be seeking to recoup some of the money from directors' bonuses. Senior members of the regulator will appear before MPs on Thursday.

“With characteristic alacrity, the Pensions Regulator started its arduous process of chasing money down from Carillion a few days after it was formally announced there was no money left,” Mr Field added.

TPR said it had “worked closely” with the trustees and the company after an initial profit warning last July, helping the two parties to agree a deferral of payments to the pension scheme until Carillion had sorted its cash flow problems out.

It also defended its engagement with the company in the years previously.

A spokesperson for TPR said: “When the trustees wrote to us in 2013 to say they could not agree funding plans with the company, we did intervene by threatening to use our powers unless a funding plan was agreed.”

This resulted in a “significant increase” in the amount of money the company was prepared to pay into the scheme, he said.
